Bit perplexed after this one:
Last night I had 2 does feed out into a clearcut at 300 yards on the dot. Held high shoulder on the lead doe and sent a 90 grain ELDX her way via my trusty .243 Win.
She immediately began "snow-plowing" with no front legs, face in the dirt, roughly 10 yards. Typical dead deer that doesnt know it yet right? She slowed down enough that I sent another and watched her dump.
Saw her laying there "dead" about 10 yards away and she jumps up and runs into the woods looking completely normal. I didn't even try to shoot her off hand as I was convinced it must have been the other doe that was with her and didn't want to accidentally shoot 2 deer with 1 tag.
Should have believed my eyes because it was indeed the doe I had shot. I followed blood for about 150 yards and kept on bumping her. It was getting dark fast and I had seen a bunch of grizz tracks across the creek last week so I had a bit of a dilemma on my hands...
Made the tough decision to back out and get back in there at first light, found her piled up less than 10 yards from where I called off the search last night. The yotes had gotten a rear quarter but I managed to salvage the rest of the meat.
The necropsy only made things more confusing. Unsure if the 1st or 2nd shot is pictured (believe its the 1st based on location), but I have no idea how a small whitetail managed to run 194 yards through a brushy creek bottom with that level of destruction inflicted upon her vitals.
Chalk this one up as one of those occasional WTF hunting moments?
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