So as someone who went from a 30-06 to an 18” 6.5 PRC for whitetails we have noticed a couple key differences between the two. Long story short we started using suppressors and mono metal bullets, specifically Hammers, along with the change to the 6.5 PRC and aren’t 100% sure what is the biggest contributor.
With the 6.5 PRC it seems like the deer don’t react the same way as when they are hit with the .30-06. Our group hunted for decades with the 150gr bullets in the 30-06, if you hit a deer out of a group the one hit would run away from the group tail down. That doesn’t seem to happen with the 6.5 PRC, the deer run tail up with the group like they weren’t even hit until they fall over dead.
Additionally the deer tend to run farther and with less of a blood trail compared to the 30-06, we are used to 20 or 30 yard tracks with heavy wide blood trails but the deer killed with the PRC seem to make it significantly farther, sometimes over 100 yards, with just a small or no blood trail to follow. It’s not like they aren’t doing damage, below is the buck I shot at 150 yards with my PRC, he still made it over 100 yards after the shot.
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Hit just behind the shoulder on the left side and exited the last rib on the right. I didn’t see where he went down but on his death run he crossed a logging road and I took note of where he crossed. I walked up and down that road with no blood and only found him when I I walked towards a tree I noted he might have run past. This was based on movement through the trees and the fact that I had a buck the year before do the almost identical thing except he was father out the ridge and died before the logging road where I could see him drop.
In my experience with the 30-06 a hit like that would have folded him up in significantly less time with a much better blood trail. So this year I’m going to give it a test, I have a 20” 30-06 that I can suppress and will load up with Hammers to put to bed the issue of what is causing such a difference. If it still happens with the 06 then I’ll switch back to lead and see if that makes a difference.