300 wsm build for european games, selective hunting in Italy

You wanted to use a brake for recoil reduction on a 300wsm. You would end up with tinnitus at the least harm to your hearing. Maybe worse. With a 7mm-08 you don't need a brake.
I have six rifles in 300wsm. None currently have brakes, as I removed the ones that did have them. Give me the recoil over noise anyday.
Yeah i should try to use it without any muzzle device and see how good i can shoot the thing. I used muzzlebrakes on guns i used in competitions but they were mostly ak, often what you call sbr's (so shorter barrels but smaller calibers) and i didn't have issues with hearing protections on. But i never tried a big bore with a MB
I know younare not being rude since you don't know me, i don't know you and so there is nothing personal of course. Again, please tell me why i am wrong, i am here for this. If i wasn't looking for suggestions i wouldn't have written a thread here. I still didn't buy anything so I am not even defending a choice for which I spent a lot of money and time so I am more than open to change my mind, i just want to make a reasoned choice cause this will be the only one of two rifles for years to come and i hunt a lot so even little details gets bigger

Wound channel size, that is “margin of error” in shot placement, is determined by two things only- projectile design and impact velocity. Ft-lbs of energy is not a wounding mechanism and tells you absolutely nothing about what that bullet will do in tissue. “Killing power” is the combination of bullet placement and the specific projectile and impact velocity. There is not nearly the difference in sounding capability between calibers/cartridges that people believe.
For instance, your stated 300WSM with 180gr Accubond at 3,000fps MV versus a 7mm-08 with 162gr ELD-M at 2,650fps MV at 600 yards has almost exactly the same impact velocity, the 300WSM has more wind drift and greatly more recoil. The wound channel from the 162gr ELD-M will be measurably larger than the 180gr Accubond at that range.

Now you could change the bullet and get a better BC to match the wind drift and match or exceed the wound channel of the 7mm 162gr ELD-M, but in doing so you are going to increase recoil even more. Also, the barrel life of the 300WSM is around half or less of the 7mm-08.
Wound channel size, that is “margin of error” in shot placement, is determined by two things only- projectile design and impact velocity. Ft-lbs of energy is not a wounding mechanism and tells you absolutely nothing about what that bullet will do in tissue. “Killing power” is the combination of bullet placement and the specific projectile and impact velocity. There is not nearly the difference in sounding capability between calibers/cartridges that people believe.
For instance, your stated 300WSM with 180gr Accubond at 3,000fps MV versus a 7mm-08 with 162gr ELD-M at 2,650fps MV at 600 yards has almost exactly the same impact velocity, the 300WSM has more wind drift and greatly more recoil. The wound channel from the 162gr ELD-M will be measurably larger than the 180gr Accubond at that range.

Now you could change the bullet and get a better BC to match the wind drift and match or exceed the wound channel of the 7mm 162gr ELD-M, but in doing so you are going to increase recoil even more. Also, the barrel life of the 300WSM is around half or less of the 7mm-08.
I understand what you mean but to me it seems that in your equation bullet weight amd frontal diameter are missing. This is interesting, can you expand on why you are putting them on a second plane?

Ok, energy is just a number of course and if, because I choose a not ideal bullet construction, the energy get wasted making the bullet fragmenting but not reaching vitals or if it is mostly delivered on the ground after piercing the animal, a bullet with ten times the energy can perform much worse than a bullet with 1/10 the energy but with better construction. That's not to teach you anything, it's just to make you understand i know the bases of terminal ballistic. When I was saying that more energy gives more margin i was giving for granted that the bullet choice was adequate. The 162 gr eld-m in 7 mm must have a heck of a BC btw, wow. Unfortunately also the 7-08 is almost impossible to find here. Here we have basically 270 win, 3006, 308 (a lot), 300 win mag, 7 rem mag, 6.5 creedmore (not nearly as available than in the US), 300 WSM, 300 weatherby, 243, 7x64, 7x57, 6.5×55, 9.3, 6.5 PRC and many military calibers like 7,62×54, 8x56, 338 lapua mag and so on. Probably i am missing some common cartridges here but more or less that's it. For the rest you have to reload if you can find brass and dies.
I have thought about all we talked about and i think i will just buy another 308. Everytime i try to change caliber i always end up there.

Explains a lot what is being discussed in detail