.25 Cal (Quarter Bore) / Big Game Success - 25 Creed, 25-284, 25-06, 25 PRC, 25 SAUM

Well I built this rifle last year then got lucky and drew a desert bighorn in NM. Killed my ram at 662 yards dead right there with a 133 Berger. Killed my ram on Saturday then drove home and my niece used the rifle to kill a cow elk at just over 400 yards on Monday. Tuesday morning my son and I both killed cows at 540 yards and 300 yards. Bullets prefo d perfect I love this rifle.

Rifles specs
Kelblys nanook
Brux #3 7.5 twist
Hawkins brake
Manners ph stock
Trigger tech
Unknown DBM
Nightforce NX8
Chambered in 25 SST
133 Berger 60gr H-1000
3080 fpsIMG_3810.jpegIMG_3471.jpegIMG_3476.jpegthis is entrance at 540 yards right behind shoulder mid body shoulder quarter removed.IMG_3794.jpegoff side shoulder damage bullet did not exit but her insides where jello.IMG_3624.pngi am sold on the 25 cal have one in the works for my son 25 saum or a 25 PRC to be a little cheaper. I watch my ram fall in the scope at 662 yards I am a quarter bore fan boy now.
25 SST, 133 Berger, 22” barrel, 3100 fps, 375 yards, Coues deer. Friend slew one down in Old Mexico with a rifle I sold him.

A fast 25 cal is as destructive as I want… still a bit much on Coues deer. Gonna drop down to 22 creed for smaller game. It’s still my go to for elk, even though I haven’t gotten a chance with it in the last few years.


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25 SST, 133 Berger, 22” barrel, 3100 fps, 375 yards, Coues deer. Friend slew one down in Old Mexico with a rifle I sold him.

A fast 25 cal is as destructive as I want… still a bit much on Coues deer. Gonna drop down to 22 creed for smaller game. It’s still my go to for elk, even though I haven’t gotten a chance with it in the last few years.
Those speeds really make the 130s in a 25 an absolute hammer a long ways out.
Got my .257 WBY back from benchmark. New 20" 1-7 barrel. Just got the scope put on today. Can't wait to shoot it. Still waiting on my 25-06ai

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This season was a good season for me and my 25-06. I shot three deer with it two doe and a buck. All were taken with a 90 absolute hammer at 3600 fps muzzle velocity. It’s my favorite rifle for deer.View attachment 815205
Distance of shots, pass through etc? I was curious to using this bullet for elk, but no experience with it.
Distance of shots, pass through etc? I was curious to using this bullet for elk, but no experience with it.
I have taken a total of 8 deer with this combo from 40 yards to 180 yards. All shots were pass throughs, some shots encountered some bone and blew threw like a breeze. The farthest recovery was 70 yards and I legit don’t know how she went that far with a 3” swath removed from her lungs. I have pictures of necropsies if you care to see, It would clutter this thread up lol. I think this bullet would do fine on elk personally. If I had an opportunity to take an elk I would try this combo.
I have taken a total of 8 deer with this combo from 40 yards to 180 yards. All shots were pass throughs, some shots encountered some bone and blew threw like a breeze. The farthest recovery was 70 yards and I legit don’t know how she went that far with a 3” swath removed from her lungs. I have pictures of necropsies if you care to see, It would clutter this thread up lol. I think this bullet would do fine on elk personally. If I had an opportunity to take an elk I would try this combo.
Necropsies are make this thread great! Haha.

Thanks for posting your experience.
This list is for @AZ_Hunter.
These are the pictures I have of the 90 absolute hammer on deer. I’ve used this bullet out of a 25-06 and a 257 weatherby.
First is my first kill with the 25-06 and the 90. The shot was 80 yards if my memory serves me and she took off on a death run and crashed inside 40 yards.
This is entrance
This is exit. No pictures of the vitals but they were turned into what I call “hammer soup”IMG_0567.jpeg
Next is a antlerless buck taken at 150 yards with a 257 weatherby. Impact velocity was roughly 3350 fps. He ran 30 yards on a death run and folded. The video of this kill is on YouTube. 257 weatherby hammer doe kill is the title I believe.
First is entry. IMG_1303.jpeg

This is exit again no photos of vitals but they were hammer soup. IMG_1304.jpeg
The next was an adult doe at 80 yards. I ended up clipping the spine and she dropped on the spot.
Exit. Impact was 3500 fps roughly IMG_1291.jpeg
Vitals IMG_1286.jpeg
Next is a buck my wife shot with my 25-06. Shot was at 80 yards and was a high shoulder hit and he was Drt. Impact velocity was about 3350 fps.
This pic you can see the bullet path. Entrance is on the right. IMG_1947.jpeg
This is the buck in the picture before hand. Shot was 120 yards in the crease. He traveled 40 yards spraying blood 3 feet on the exit side and a a foot on the entry.
Entrance IMG_2717.jpeg
Exit impact velocity was roughly 3200fps. IMG_2718.jpeg
You can see a petal stuck in the ribs.
Post continued due to photo limit.
Next is one of the does i shot. She was 100 yards and was pushed out of the woods across the field after some shooting. I hit her high and a tad back so she left almost no blood trail so speak of because of the high hit. She went 70 yards. But you can clearly see how quickly the bullet expanded in the lungs.
Entrance IMG_2731.jpeg
Entrance side lung 1.5” permanent wound cavity. IMG_2729.jpeg
Exit side lung 3” permanent wound cavity. IMG_2728.jpeg
Exit. Note petal dispersion
Not every deer I’ve killed with that bullet but you get the idea. They’re very lethal on deer size game and personally I would have no trouble shooting an elk with this load, hammers as a whole have exemplified deep penetration and good permanent wound cavity and tissue destruction. Also less blood shot meat as I can eat right to the hole with hardly any waste.