Is a 6.5 PRC enough? Do I need a 7mm?

Guides/owners trust and push what they are familiar with and have seen success with. Combine that with the conventional thought process from hunters where bigger is better and a 30 cal magnum is the minimum needed to be ethical on elk. We end up with what you’re talking about.

Fast forward to now, it’s not been until recent where data has started supporting the smaller calibers as being a viable option. I would say your 6.5 is just fine for anything you want to hunt. Obviously if you chase brown bear you may want to reconsider. I shoot a 7 SAUM (168 VLDs @ 2960 fps) with no intent of changing. There’s not much difference between that setup and your 6.5 with 156s.

My last elk hunt the owner was explaining how he hated 7mm mags right before asking me what I had. By the end of the hunt he was drilling me on exactly what my setup was because he wanted to have a rifle built like it. It’ll take time, I’d imagine 10 years from now guides won’t be on the 30 cal or bust train anymore.
well, it's really simple.
girls in grade school like boys thin and lightweight
girls in high school like guys with some size and weight
girls in college like guys with some size, weight, and athletics
girls post-college like guys with size, weight, athletics and power
there you have I said, simple. now can we move on from the .223 BS?
What do girls have to do with using a 6.5PRC for elk hunting?
How are thousands of large animals killed humanly with .22 and .243 bullets over decades BS?

I’m finding evidence for a hunting caliber religious cult that rejects facts, science, and bullet lethality advancements and falsely claims only a specific caliber and above must be used. Does this caliber cult have a name??

@Liftman101 the 6.5 PRC is plenty for elk.
well, it's really simple.
girls in grade school like boys thin and lightweight
girls in high school like guys with some size and weight
girls in college like guys with some size, weight, and athletics
girls post-college like guys with size, weight, athletics and power
there you have I said, simple. now can we move on from the .223 BS?
So what sort of guys are you into, that is totally weird
Off a bench, I am not recoil sensitive. Off of sticks, on a tripod, or even in any odd position in a blind, I do not enjoy shooting the 30-06 or a bigger gun. The gun flys off the sticks or bounces around. I like shooting a 6 Creedmoor the best and having drunk the Rokslide Koolaid, I am moving toward custom barreled Tikkas with shorter barrels and suppressors. The smaller guns with a suppressor make range day much more fun as well. I want to hunt with the guns I shoot the most. I have high hopes for the 6UM.
Hello I am interested in the true timber 6.5cm tikka you're selling. Randomly commenting here because apparently I have do to a bunch of jumping through hoops to comment on the sales page. Not sure how to direct message on here either lol. Let me know what the easiest way to discuss
Hello I am interested in the true timber 6.5cm tikka you're selling. Randomly commenting here because apparently I have do to a bunch of jumping through hoops to comment on the sales page. Not sure how to direct message on here either lol. Let me know what the easiest way to discuss
You have to post a certain # of times before you get access to the classifieds, it is no secret “hoop” system. You have to do so because the classifieds have had real increase in scamming. I would suggest you go ahead and try and get your # of posts in order to unlock PMs and classifieds access, rather than try and work around the system. There’s plenty of threads to participate in. I believe the # of required posts is only 10.

I’m sure you could agree…..for a firearm transaction, selling to someone who literally just joined and has this 1 post is not very safe for anyone.
Unless you want to shoot elk over 800 yards, 6.5 PRC has became my do it all rifle. The 300 PRC bucks the wind better over a 1,000.

7 PRC is a little better ballistically than the 6.5 but not enough to justify. Upgrading to something larger, night and day on hitting steel at 1500+
I love small and fast. I have a 6 UM on order. I am just confused by my Elk guide and the PH for next year in Africa is dead set against a 6.5 PRC or the 6 UM. I guess I will show him Ryan's Giraffe story.

Always looking for an excuse to get another rifle. In fact I have a base Tikka 7 rem mag NIB in my closet that I bought for my 6 UM build and ended up switching to a stainless action. In this case, I was surprised because looking at the data, the 6.5 PRC is the better cartridge once you get past 300 yards
"I love small and fast" THAT exact quote along with her small hands is why I married my current wife!
- Ok, Ill show myself out now.
What do girls have to do with using a 6.5PRC for elk hunting?
How are thousands of large animals killed humanly with .22 and .243 bullets over decades BS?

I’m finding evidence for a hunting caliber religious cult that rejects facts, science, and bullet lethality advancements and falsely claims only a specific caliber and above must be used. Does this caliber cult have a name??

@Liftman101 the 6.5 PRC is plenty for elk.
Yes, we call them Fudds.