.243 deer bullet choice

Winchester Ballistic Silvertips 95 grain.
Have killed between 0-220 yards. Flat Shooting, no recoil. Not a huge entry or exit obviously with small bullet, but they don't make it far if they don't drop in the beginning.
Those are really good bullets. I can't find them anywhere.
I use the Hornady

243 Win 95 gr SST® Superformance®​

Shot well out of my sons Savage 110 Hunter and have never had any issues with it not doing its job.
Hornady 100gr Interlock, 100gr Corelokt,100gr Sierra GK, Barnes 85gr TSX, and 80gr TTSX have all killed deer for me out of a 243 or a 6mm Rem. I usually load the Barnes stuff now. I think a 95gr Fusion would work perfectly too. Stay away from the SST.
I had very bad problems out of the SST first deer 100 yards I'm very sure of a hit but I didn't see any blood so I thought I missed that evening 110 yards bang mule kick 3 drops of blood no more tracked up the creek where I thought she might have went didn't find her or anything else. I started shooting 100 grain federal blue box wasn't very accurate about a 1.5 inch group then I bought some cheap 80 grain Remington core lokt on sale, 4 shots 1 inch group ( the guns a 18.5 inch 1-9 twist.) deer season this year pretty good sized for come out 125 yards off hand quartering away hit the right side front shoulder pretty high up exited out the neck didn't move at all. That 80 grain core lokt made me trust the 243 again.
Those are really good bullets. I can't find them anywhere.

Still have about 5 boxes left. Yes, can't find them anywhere either.
Bullets can be found here...

Loaded ammo can be found here...

SC DNR did a study some years ago proving 243 is literally the worst. If you do well with, take all the credit for your shooting. Give none to the cartridge, because it deserves none.

Picking the best .243 bullet is a waste of time when .223 works at least as well. Whatever you think .243 does, .223 actually does. Both depend on your exceptional marksmanship. So take the easier route with .223.

Yeah that’s not what happened…

Seems to me the larger the caliber the longer they run, with the anomoly being the 243 which can be explained by it likely being used mostly by kids and flinchers taking bad shots. Unfortunately they didn’t show average accuracy per caliber in the study. The 223 isn’t even mentioned.
Would you look at that, bullet construction matters a lot more than price/advertising. It’s almost like I’ve heard that somewhere before.