.243 deer bullet choice

I saw a couple deer shot with the new tipped Core-Lokts this fall…definitely kills em.

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Put my vote in for the 95 grain sst I’m a huge fan of that bullet. I’ve seen loads of deer shoot with it and the damage it creates is incredible.
Ive shot 100 grain Core lokts, Federal Blue box, Hornady Interlocks, And Winchester Powerpoints.

Stay away from the Winchester "power points"

I Prefer Hornadys
Anyone use Federal Power Shok 100 gr soft points? My wife started hunting this year and that was pretty much all I could find at the time. Just curious about penetration and expansion through the shoulder and behind the shoulder.

Yes, they work just fine. I would have zero concerns.
I’ve dropped more deer with a 95gr sst from 30-350yd than anyone I know shooting magnums. I always aim for the off side shoulder and rarely have a runner, 90% are bang flop and a few really stubborn ones make it 20yd. I say that not from arrogance but from experience, I culled deer for an orchard owner for several years and shoot 15+ every winter. I shot the 100gr interlock until I tried the sst, no complaints on their performance but the sst really punches out of its weight class. The eldx bullets perform almost identically for me, but my rifle likes the 95gr best and I haven’t had a reason to change until this year. I’ll be trying some 95gr nosler bt this year i couldn’t find the Hornady and ordered them instead.
I’ve used the 80gr Speer hot core almost exclusively from a 15” encore pistol when fun hunting. They usually exit but will occasionally be mushroomed out and under the offside hide. A big buck in my area will be 230lb so I can’t offer first hand info on truly big deer but I wouldn’t hesitate to pop a muley with them.
I've had good luck with Speer 90gr SSP at 3420fps. Pushed it out this year to 250 and still having nice exit wounds.
I had really good luck with the Winchester ballistic silvertips, but all my other calibers I prefer the TTSX or Accubond
Sierra 85GG BTHP. Load it hot and it will take any medium game you can imagine with great results. Federal used to load this in a factory round. Its been my go to 243 handload now. I have no reason to try any other load
Regular twist (9-10) - 1) 95 grain Ballistic tip, 2) 95 SST, 3) 80-85 gr Speer Hot Cor

Fast twist (7-8) - 1) 105 AMAX/108 eldm, 2) 105 HPBT (Hornady or Berger) Berger 108, 109, 115 also work well.
I have a 6mm br that I use in benchrest score shooting. Soon I will retire it when my new rifle is done. Planning on building in to a hunting rifle.

It now shoots the 108 grain bullets at a little over 2900 fps. Think it would be a nice hunting rifle for the smaller whit tail in N.Va area. It is extremely accurate and with the 105's to 108's meat loss /damage should be on the low side. I have a 6.8 spc that is another that doesn't damage a lot of meat. So thinking 6mm would be perfect. People been hunting with .243 for ever and it works.