I’ve dropped more deer with a 95gr sst from 30-350yd than anyone I know shooting magnums. I always aim for the off side shoulder and rarely have a runner, 90% are bang flop and a few really stubborn ones make it 20yd. I say that not from arrogance but from experience, I culled deer for an orchard owner for several years and shoot 15+ every winter. I shot the 100gr interlock until I tried the sst, no complaints on their performance but the sst really punches out of its weight class. The eldx bullets perform almost identically for me, but my rifle likes the 95gr best and I haven’t had a reason to change until this year. I’ll be trying some 95gr nosler bt this year i couldn’t find the Hornady and ordered them instead.
I’ve used the 80gr Speer hot core almost exclusively from a 15” encore pistol when fun hunting. They usually exit but will occasionally be mushroomed out and under the offside hide. A big buck in my area will be 230lb so I can’t offer first hand info on truly big deer but I wouldn’t hesitate to pop a muley with them.