I tend to agree with Form (and the many others) who have posted in this thread in support of 223
as an option when the correct projectile is chosen. But I am trying to make sure I'm not in my own echo chamber, so I would love to see someone who has disagreed with him (or the views), or said something to the contrary, that was based on logic or anything other than historic custom. I personally believe that almost every topic is subject to nuance, so I welcome any exceptions or differing points of view - at least if based on data.
I don't recall any of your posts, so these are not directed at you, but "everyone knows you need X ft lbs of energy", "respect the animal", "margin of error" or similar bases for disagreement have not, IMHO, held up to the responses (and are usually just met with "I'm bowing out of this pi$$ing contest" or similar replies).
About the only cogent pushback (at least that I can remember at the moment) was the question posed (I believe by
@Marbles ) about the effectiveness of a 223 77gr TMK on the skull of a brown bear.
If you, or anyone, can summarize a contrary point of view, I'm all ears - and expect I'm not alone.