20V DeWalt Chainsaw review

Happy with my Dewalt as well. For occasional use and small jobs, it is awesome to not have to crank up a saw. I think there are better options but I had the batteries for other tools so it was the easy option for me.
The leaking oil sounds like its across brands. I watched some Milwaukee videos on YT prior to picking the one up I have. There were complaints of it leaking as well. Mines still in the box as I have not needed it yet.
The leaking is something I'll keep in mind.
I just bought one and already had the pole saw (which leaks).

If stored with the oil fill cap UP, does oil still leak out through the oiler hole (on the opposite, "bottom" side)?
Can you post a picture of this? Seems like a simple solution.
I'll try to remember next time i'm in the garage but it's nothing fancy. These drop cloths are just the standard "absorbent" ones you can get at Home Depot/Lowes/Walmart, plastic lined on one side and cloth (like a paper towel) on the other. They come usually 9'x12' so I cut them into 4 smaller pieces and use a piece for a few months until it gets grotty. I always carry a few in the truck anyway. They're great to lay down if you have to crawl under your truck or camper to fix something, too - snow or ice won't soak through the back to get you wet, and oil or fluids you might spill don't land on the ground. Easy cleanup.
I haven't done this yet to mine but it seems like fixing the oil leak is relatively easy to fix, minus having to take the saw apart.

I went to Walmart and bought a cheap plastic Tupperware that was just big enough for the chainsaw body. I then used a razor blade and cut out a corner in the Tupperware for the bar to slide out. Lined the bottom with an old towel to catch the oil drip. I like the Tupperware cause I can throw in some oil, some gloves, glasses, spare batteries, wedge, etc and can stack stuff on it. Doesn’t bounce around as much in the back of my Ranger and everything is together for when I need to cut a tree blocking the trail.
Guess I got a good one. I have my hanging bar down in the garage and the oil reservoir is almost full and there's not a drop under it after 4 days.
The leaking oil is such an easy fix. Go buy an O-ring for the “almost like it was designed for it” groove in the oil cap. Boom, no oil leaks and happy saw user.
Just keep the chain sharp all the times..I already let the magic smoke out of one running it with a dull chain and trying to cut green white oak. They are ok for dead wood and pine...but green hardwoods get the gas rancher.
How do these do with high altitude and cold temps below zero? I had a cheapie electric that wouldn't work in the cold that kind of turned me off, but I have a ton of 20v DeWalt tools so it'd be nice to add to the collection.
How do these do with high altitude and cold temps below zero? I had a cheapie electric that wouldn't work in the cold that kind of turned me off, but I have a ton of 20v DeWalt tools so it'd be nice to add to the collection.

It was about 25 degrees the day I cut. Not sure why altitude would matter, but about 9,500'
I have the same little 20v. It does fine with lodge pole like in the op. It sucks wind on oak or any hardwood.

The oil leak thing is baffling to me. I’ve owned a couple of pro grade Husky gas saws and they leak too. It’s so damn frustrating. Why as consumers do we accept it? And why can’t manufacturers figure it out? Shouldn’t be hard. It’s my number one complaint with chainsaws. Make the chit leakproof dammit. We can send men to the moon but can’t figure this out?