Serious question for those in the "kids should get full preference in the 2nd draw because we need more kids out hunting" camp. Why not then, give them full preference in the initial draw? Let them draw first, then us adults get our own draw after the kids have grabbed up whatever they want? Or, are we only cool with giving them preference on what is, let's be honest, a few good tags from reissue and a bunch of tags nobody wanted to spend points on. I'm not being facetious either, seriously wondering what people think.
I have drawn in the 2nd draw. Albeit a tag that isn't "special" by any means. What really gets me, and others by reading this thread, is when I miss out on a first choice that would have taken my points and then it shows back up on the 2nd draw. I understand the process and rules, but it is still annoying.
What we could do if we want youth preference in the second draw is run the youth 1st choices through. Then adult first choices. If any left, youth 2nd choice, adult 2nd choice, and so on.