2021 Rokslide Cold Bow Challenge Question/Comment Thread

I understand what you mean, but We’ve always allowed people to let down. In fact if you listen to Aron on his podcast, he talks about that as a skill. People need to know when to let down rather than push the shot.

The idea with the challenge is to simulate hunting is that you often don’t get to shoot very much on a hunt. And when you finally get within range of an animal, it may have been a day or two or three since you’ve actually fired an arrow. However, you can draw your bow any time during the hunt, I’ve practiced that for years. Sometimes in the mornings before I leave camp, I’ll draw my bow anchor and hold and aim.

Thanks for coming out for the challenge. The long tree stand shot was great to watch.

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Oh, I get it. Like I said I'm going on about it and I don't care.

I don't really know anyone who gets drawn back on something and passes the shot because it doesn't feel right. On a 3d course where the target has no chance of moving you will here people say, I shoulda let that one down.

It's something you need to do, and it's generally the best shot you can take. However I doubt very many can actually let down once they came to full draw on an animal. I know I very rarely do.
I finished 1/5! No pressure.

@robby denning am I good to go shoot more this afternoon or chase turkeys now that I have my 5th shot in? I'm definitely going to need to get closer than 50 on the turkeys!

Your good man., You’re all done, you can shoot 1000 arrows today if you want. Thanks for following the rules, Hope it helps you become a better bow hunter

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All wrapped for this year. Felt pretty good going 4/4 then day 5 happened AHHHHHHH!
Can't wait to get back to shooting multiple arrows.

Thanks, Robby and the sponsors for doing this again, a great way to start the season.
Finally I can start shooting again. I’ve been itching since Saturday to shoot multiple arrows. Never did this type of practice/challenge before and I thank you for introducing me to it. I am definitely going to start training with a one shot, make it or break it scenario at different yardages.
Well, from now on when I stalk before I begin I'm going to draw, anchor, and settle my pin. It isn't something I ever thought to do and if I learned nothing else this year that is plenty.

I have drawn and let down on fork horns previously. Kind of like counting coup. 😁

Today is arrow building day for the season! I always go with #rokslidegreen. What’s your go to colors?

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Day 5 done. Probably should have waited to shoot, was tired and felt pretty shaky when I took the shot. Fairly happy with the results considering how few shots I have through my bow after replacing strings and a new rest. Now comes the fun part of putting together some arrows for the 1st time and learning that process.

GL to everyone still shooting.

CBC Day 5.jpg

Today is arrow building day for the season! I always go with #rokslidegreen. What’s your go to colors?

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The Iron Maiden style font is sweet!

My colors are all over the place with Green arrows (Easton Axis), white wraps, and red/white/blue fletching. Lighted nocks are whatever color was on sale so a mix of green, red, and white.

I am going to shoot this last arrow like a pissed off guy who is going to have to pony up some cash for a landowner tag after striking out in the draw.

shoot angry.
Oh, I get it. Like I said I'm going on about it and I don't care.

I don't really know anyone who gets drawn back on something and passes the shot because it doesn't feel right. On a 3d course where the target has no chance of moving you will here people say, I shoulda let that one down.

It's something you need to do, and it's generally the best shot you can take. However I doubt very many can actually let down once they came to full draw on an animal. I know I very rarely do.

I’ve personally drawn on mule deer, then they moved behind a tree so I let down. Side step, redraw and fire. It’s very common in my opinion and if you told everyone that once they draw their bow and are REQUIRE to fire it no matter what you’re asking for target panic.

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I am going to shoot this last arrow like a pissed off guy who is going to have to pony up some cash for a landowner tag after striking out in the draw.

shoot angry.

I am!!!

I just dropped arrow 4. I guess my bragging rights are it’s the least I’ve missed the vital since I started the challenge.

I hate the CBC!!!!


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I am!!!

I just dropped arrow 4. I guess my bragging rights are it’s the least I’ve missed the vital since I started the challenge.

I hate the CBC!!!!


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Robby, I cant remember, what is your vital area again? I still think that will kill a deer. I mean, a 200" buck like the ones you shoot are typically larger bodied animals :)
This year's CBC was a serious confidence booster for me. I felt like my shooting turned a corner this spring, and this challenge proved I was right. I'm pretty confident I can push my max range out over the course of the summer.

Keep us posted man! Good work.

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