2015 Pronghorn Trip


Nov 26, 2013
I'm looking to plan a trip for 2015 for pronghorn. I want to bring the lady friend and it will be her first western big game hunt so I figured pronghorn might be a good first time trip for her.

I need recommendations for a state that has either OTC or almost guaranteed draw odds for non-resident rifle tags. Any help?
If you are willing to pay trespass fees. Most of the units in eastern Wyoming are guaranteed draws with zero points. You just want to have access in hand before you apply.
If you are willing to pay trespass fees. Most of the units in eastern Wyoming are guaranteed draws with zero points. You just want to have access in hand before you apply.

Any units with abundant public land?

What do access fees usually run in eastern WY?
Any units with abundant public land?

What do access fees usually run in eastern WY?

If it's got abundant public land it's gonna take a lot of points. The only reason the tags can be drawn with zero points is cause of access issues. I don't know what is the norm for trespass fees. I hunted south of Gillette one year with some friends and the rancher let us shoot does for free and wanted $100 for a buck. That was 10 years ago. I would contact the WY game and fish, they will let you know which landowners charge for access.
Hunt in an area that is 90% private to a couple ranches. I hunt every year on the biggest ranch (60k acres) and have never been charged a "trespass" fee. A lot of areas have some public land. If your not looking for a record breaker then you would be happy with most areas. With that said the are I hunt and have access to, there is public in the area as well. In my hunting party three of the bucks were killed on public and one on private.
Hunt in an area that is 90% private to a couple ranches. I hunt every year on the biggest ranch (60k acres) and have never been charged a "trespass" fee. A lot of areas have some public land. If your not looking for a record breaker then you would be happy with most areas. With that said the are I hunt and have access to, there is public in the area as well. In my hunting party three of the bucks were killed on public and one on private.

Hunting private property for a buck without paying a decent access fee like you are is not the norm out in Wyoming!
That's interesting top gun. Back when we owned our ranch we never charged a trespass fee. If you asked permission and were polite about it and didn't push we let you hunt away from the cows. My philosophy has been to always ask if they need help fixing up the fences or anything. I don't do much different but I am thankful for the places I hunt. Hunting private is a game of chance. You never know if they will let you hunt until hunting season. You
Is it worth trying to find an area that you can hunt both pronghorn and mule deer, I was looking to do a combo trip with my bow. Is it worth trying to draw in Wyoming or try another state, I have zero points also. I am also not after a record buck just something nice and maybe a doe or 2.
call the wyoming game and fish and ask for the land owners list that allow access they will email u every rancher that allows access but with charge u. It will vary on price some will only charge if u shoot a buck and some charge no matter what. Its around 200-250 dollars

That link is older than dirt and most of the information on it isn't accurate! All the dates are wrong, as well as the fact that for some time you have been able to apply for two does in the draw and if there are leftover tags you can buy up to 4. A guy with the proper land access, cash, and the time can now shoot two bucks and 4 does a year if he applies properly. From what I've been able to ascertain from other sites, people have been paying access fees of $300+ up to $1500 to shoot a buck while many places will allow does for free after the first week. Deer are in the tank on the east side of the state in Region B unless you can get a good private land accessed and the license is only good for a buck with unit 10 now going to LQ status because the herd is down so bad.