$15,000 Reward for Missing Haul Road Hunter Steve Keel - OP updated to show locations

threads side tracked a bit but owell. Every year the fire fighters have to go out and save people at ship creek who get stuck in that mud. I went out to ship one year and miscalculated the tide and couldnt get back to the bank. there was giant driftwood log stuck on the flats that we climbed up on. Luckily a boat came over and picked us up and brought us over to the bank other wise it would have been 3 hours of hanging out on the log until the tide receded.
I have answered that exact same inquire (4) Four times in full in this thread. Short version: the exact same as happened this year.

You're aware that we can go back and look at your post history, right? You absolutely have not answered the question, not once, let alone four times.

All you've done is repeatedly claim that "the exact same thing" happen last year without providing any substantive details about the incident you're referencing. No one is trying to pick on you, we're just trying to figure out what you're talking about because you seem to be the only one who remembers it.
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Sorry, but best I can do is tell you it was "nearly" the exact same thing. His group had hunted one side of the road, hard for several days and had seen nothing.

They were sitting around camp, and he gathered up his stuff, and stated he was going to look around on the "other side" of the road for a bit. And he totally disappeared. There was a massive search. It was "definitely" last fall. That is everything that I know. The news reporters/stations just stop covering these type events after enough time. So, it just ends up as a failed search.

So, are you implying that the news reporters/stations wrote articles and then subsequently deleted these supposed articles “after enough time”? Why would there be no online evidence of a “disappearance and a massive search” just a year later?
No but we wouldn't here anything until June/July when the snow melts up there. Mountains of snow on the ground right now.
Yeah - 147 recorded inches of snow in my first winter there at Wainwright. We did several S&R requests for the state over my three years there - with the exception on one - they ended well.

Hope there’s closure on this for family.