$15,000 Reward for Missing Haul Road Hunter Steve Keel - OP updated to show locations

Man. Some of you dudes watch too much tv. If I had to take a wild ass guess I’d say he either walked 200 miles in the wrong direction(not real likely in my opinion) or he slipped on a rock and smacked his head or something. Probably laying dead in a creek tucked under some willows.

Yeah, it's 99.9% probable that he's laying there, somewhere. Highly unlikely that he was murdered or that he escaped to Manila. Ditto for an alien abduction (lol).
i don’t have much to add to this post so I’m reluctant to send this reply.

But, him being a former marine has almost 0% to do with his outcome, what he was trained on ~50 years ago is completely irrelevant, especially not knowing his MOS. An 03xx vs 35xx be 01xx jobs have vastly different training requirements. So let’s rule that out for the sake of surviving whatever alaska can throw at a person (serial killer person, or bear, or….?). Again I hate to say this, but a former marine myself after a mere 8 years from 00-08 thought it was worth a mention for the “but this” scenario.

This post, while very tragic, is quite eye opening for almost any person in any environment to dot i’s and t’s for this exact scenario. I feel for the family but hope they find some comfort in knowing this story will (potentially) save others
Man. Some of you dudes watch too much tv. If I had to take a wild ass guess I’d say he either walked 200 miles in the wrong direction(not real likely in my opinion) or he slipped on a rock and smacked his head or something. Probably laying dead in a creek tucked under some willows.
Because walking 200 miles in the tundra is a common occurrence for a nonresident....
Now that I think of it, last time I hunted the Haul Road we met this creepy "Preacher". Invited us over for dinner in his RV but left camp before dinner. Kept referring to my hunting buddy as "Mr. Alaska". Strange. Real strange.
Yeah, it's 99.9% probable that he's laying there, somewhere. Highly unlikely that he was murdered or that he escaped to Manila. Ditto for an alien abduction (lol).
'Occam's Razor' is one of the principles employed by law enforcement, investigators, medical scientists and those who deal with phenomena. One way to express it is, "When you hear hoofbeats think horses...not zebras".
Yeah, it's 99.9% probable that he's laying there, somewhere. Highly unlikely that he was murdered or that he escaped to Manila. Ditto for an alien abduction (lol).

Interesting to note that none of the "This has to be a conspiracy" types has presented any evidence of ever having spent any time in that area themselves... I would bet the farm that not a single person in human history has walked 200 miles through that environment in one go at this time of year. Lol. Forums, man.

Apparently the search team went back to FL two days ago. Just super sad, man. That environment is so alien and wild, and feeling the temps start to drop more and more every day as it gets darker and darker... what a terrible feeling that must be. I pray they find comfort eventually, at least in knowing that they did everything they could.
I think the 200 miles post was an exaggeration.
This. It’s funny what people latch onto. My point was he either walked a long way in the wrong direction so the search team is looking where he ain’t. The guy being 61 5’7” and 200 pounds make that seem pretty unlikely. Or he slipped and banged his head and drowned or something.. That’s a hard place to walk on a good day.
This. It’s funny what people latch onto. My point was he either walked a long way in the wrong direction so the search team is looking where he ain’t. The guy being 61 5’7” and 200 pounds make that seem pretty unlikely. Or he slipped and banged his head and drowned or something.. That’s a hard place to walk on a good day.

I think he made it to the road and a bus full of bikini models drove up invited him aboard. He'll surface eventually.
Probably stepped through a Matt of floating tundra and that was that. Or he faked his own death or a serial killer got him.
Likely a Peat Bog.

IMHO he is underground there somewhere close to that pack. I almost drowned in one of those up there in 2008. Never saw it and I went to my armpits.....I barely got out.
Wow, that's crazy! Guy's gotta watch where he steps.
Likely a Peat Bog.

IMHO he is underground there somewhere close to that pack. I almost drowned in one of those up there in 2008. Never saw it and I went to my armpits.....I barely got out.
Been there done that, t shirt to prove it. I don't know how deep it was, I caught on my armpits. My feet never hit bottom.

Sent from my moto g power (2021) using Tapatalk
I'm in the "fell into a hole" or "a nefarious human took advantage of him" camp.
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That’s no good. West of the road up there is no Mans land. I killed my first two caribou on that side in the general area. Now I just drive by them when I see them over there. Too flat, too wet, etc.
Been there done that, t shirt to prove it. I don't know how deep it was, I caught on my armpits. My feet never hit bottom.

Sent from my moto g power (2021) using Tapatalk

When I got out of that bog I was soaked to my head and I couldn't hardly even see where I had fallen into the thing. I could easily see how someone would go under and never be found. I bet he set his pack down and make it 500 yards or less. Nobody sets their pack down and goes further than that.

If I was a heavy man I would have died for sure.....He doesn't appear to be a small guy at 5'7" 200 pounds.

I wonder if he took his gun with him? Guess I didn't read that he did or didn't. Lot of brown bears in that tundra and there would be no way I would consider going across that tundra without one.
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