$15,000 Reward for Missing Haul Road Hunter Steve Keel - OP updated to show locations

I think he made it to the road and a bus full of bikini models drove up invited him aboard. He'll surface eventually.
Dumb And Dumber Bus GIFs | Tenor
This sucks. It should make all acutely aware that this can happen all too easy to anyone of us.
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This sucks. It should make all acutely aware that this can happen all too easy to anyone of us.

A wolverine will dig him up in a month or two. Then the ravens will start coming to the carcass. Then the coyotes, then the foxes. November will be a good time to look for a kill site. Might find him then.
This is my biggest nightmare. I’m so scared of this happening

You can die a number of unfortunate ways on the tundra, in the mountains or on the water. Providing for your personal safety is part of going afield anywhere. But you can do everything right and still - when it's your given day - lose your life. It's impossible to prepare for every bad scenario of course. You do what you can, and then respect your own limitations while gaining experience. But always remember this quote:

"Experience is the hardest kind of teacher. She gives the test first, and the lesson after".
Here's the part I get hung up on. Hounds found nothing. Now assuming he left camp as stated by his partner and disappeared in foggy conditions...why were the mutts unable to follow his scent? Those are ideal conditions for sniffers. A few whiffs from his stuff in camp and they should have left running. Even if he did encounter some deadly natural trap...they should have found him. This is why I think there's more to the story and that is exactly what all this is based on. His partners story. Move camp 500 yards and make up some BS story and the picture more closely resembles what see have here. Dogs wouldn't find shit. The time his partner says he went in the other direction accounted for. not saying he's dead or murdered...partner could be part of the plan to disappear. Many of us have wanted to at one time or another. How bad do things need to get for someone to actually do it? If the story was straight...the dogs would have found something, alive or dead or at least the end of a scent trail at a road. That's all I'm saying.

Here's the part I get hung up on. Hounds found nothing. Now assuming he left camp as stated by his partner and disappeared in foggy conditions...why were the mutts unable to follow his scent? Those are ideal conditions for sniffers. A few whiffs from his stuff in camp and they should have left running. Even if he did encounter some deadly natural trap...they should have found him. This is why I think there's more to the story and that is exactly what all this is based on. His partners story. Move camp 500 yards and make up some BS story and the picture more closely resembles what see have here. Dogs wouldn't find shit. The time his partner says he went in the other direction accounted for. not saying he's dead or murdered...partner could be part of the plan to disappear. Many of us have wanted to at one time or another. How bad do things need to get for someone to actually do it? If the story was straight...the dogs would have found something, alive or dead or at least the end of a scent trail at a road. That's all I'm saying.

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I’ve read a lot of articles on this case and none of them mention dogs actually being deployed. Just one mention of his wife asking for someone with dogs to help in the search.

A guy in anchorage disappeared a few years ago and they found his body this spring in anchorage. In the most populated part of the state it took years to find a guy who was like 15 feet off a trail. Life isn’t a scripted tv drama.
I'm gonna say he pulled it off. And is now on a beach somewhere getting bj's from some chick half his age, and enjoying not having to write any alimony checks.
No chance. This guy was, from all indications a devoted husband, dad, and friend. Why the hell would this guy go to the ass-end of the globe to stage his own disappearance on his alaskan bou hunt of a lifetime.

You guys go too far.
I worked with a guy that went fishing in a local creek, with many other people fishing around him, and he slipped and fell into the water, filled his waders and disappeared into Turnagain Arm, never to be seen again. This was on a beautiful weekend day, in the middle of the summer, about 20 miles south of the largest city in Alaska. It happened right next to (or actually underneath) a highway, and was witnessed by many people, including a few who tried to save him. Anyway, this happened in broad daylight, with many witnesses, including his 12 year old son, along the most heavily traveled hwy in the state. This was about 25 years ago, and he’s never been seen since (RIP Steve). To think that an outsider wondered away from camp, in a somewhat remote part of Alaska, and disappears without a trace is not at all inconceivable IMO.

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To think that an outsider wondered away from camp, in a somewhat remote part of Alaska, and disappears without a trace is not at all inconceivable IMO.

In the Keels case it's probably very likely. Unfortunately it doesn't make for compelling drama or Dateline stuff....at least not yet.
I worked with a guy that went fishing in a local creek, with many other people fishing around him, and he slipped and fell into the water, filled his waders and disappeared into Turnagain Arm, never to be seen again. This was on a beautiful weekend day, in the middle of the summer, about 20 miles south of the largest city in Alaska. It happened right next to (or actually underneath) a highway, and was witnessed by many people, including a few who tried to save him. Anyway, this happened in broad daylight, with many witnesses, including his 12 year old son, along the most heavily traveled hwy in the state. This was about 25 years ago, and he’s never been seen since (RIP Steve). To think that an outsider wondered away from camp, in a somewhat remote part of Alaska, and disappears without a trace is not at all inconceivable IMO.

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was that bird? never fished there but those banks look awfully snotty.
I'm gonna say he pulled it off. And is now on a beach somewhere getting bj's from some chick half his age, and enjoying not having to write any alimony checks.
Some of you guys are brutal. I sure hope his family never reads any of the things said on here, they have enough heartache and unanswered questions to deal with. I realize there are some real evil people out there, but come on!!