Search results

  1. focker34

    Mt. Lion encounters?

    I've had the fortune of 2 separate encounters with very different lions. The first was in northern california while hunting blacktails with my wife. I caught movement about 200 yards away in some thick brush. As soon as that movement cleared the next bush, the hair on the back of my neck stood...
  2. focker34

    CA A zone buck down

    Solid buck man! Glad your dad is alright too.
  3. focker34

    Any California B zone Roksliders heading to the Marbles?

    That's some of my favorite country up there in the marbles. I'm going to try to make a trip before season ends. Glad you got on some animals.
  4. focker34

    OnX/Iphone Offline Maps Help

    The app used to have a function where you could download large blocks of land at low res. but with land ownership or any other data you wanted to add. It worked really well for finding access points and for scouting large units. A new update came out and there isn't a way to make that happen...
  5. focker34

    Domestic Sheep Effect

    I haven't run into sheep in the high country yet, but I have seen my share of cows. At different times I've seen deer and cows living side by side like they were the same species. At other times I've seen cows overtake a series of basin's without a single deer around.
  6. focker34

    Cordova Ak. ?

    You can rent cars from the airport. I believe they are called chinook auto rentals. The deer hunting in/around Cordova is done almost entirely on Hinchinbrook and Hawkins islands to the west of town. A lot of guys will charter a float plane to take them to a more remote island with less pressure.
  7. focker34

    Backcountry food talk need advice please

    A lot of good information on backcountry meal planning on this podcast: Full Draw Full Time - Bowhunting the West: FDFT 004 // EATING QUAKER OATMEAL AND JERKY DOESN'T CUT IT ANYMORE...
  8. focker34

    California Draw results posted.

    Dad and brother got points and D6. I'll join up with them and then jump to the B's later in the season.
  9. focker34

    FNG from Northern Nevada here

    Welcome! It's good to see more NV guys on here. Did you draw any tags here this year?
  10. focker34

    Nevada Results

    I'll be chasing mulies here in an area I've never been. It should be fun to get out and scout some new country.
  11. focker34

    Taking the NCLEX tomorrow

    Congrats! Sounds like a winner to me
  12. focker34

    Taking the NCLEX tomorrow

    Good luck! I'm sure all of those hours of hard work and sacrifice will come back tenfold for you. I became a nurse 3 years ago and I've been very happy with my decision in a career so far. I've never had a problem finding work, and I get to pick my hours and am available to take time off...
  13. focker34

    Rei xt 85

    I'm 5'11" 180lbs and used this same pack for 2 years. Fit me like a glove, only reason I got rid of it was because I upgraded to a Kifaru. Fit depends on the person, not just your height and weight
  14. focker34

    Leupold Range Finder RX-600

    Does this model have the "True Ballistic Range" feature?
  15. focker34

    Nevada FNG

    Right on! I'd recommend it to anybody, we had quite the wide range of "athletes" show up. Next year should be even bigger and better. Good luck on your hunts this year!
  16. focker34

    Nevada FNG

    Too bad. Yeah I competed for the first time, it was a lot of fun. I hope they come back and do it again next year here.
  17. focker34

    Nevada FNG

    Welcome from Carson City. Did you get out to the train to hunt event in Washoe?
  18. focker34

    DIY POW Blacktail

    Ferry charges for the length of the vehicle as well as per person.
  19. focker34

    Xl 650 reloader

    My dad and I have taken our reloading gear to bear bullets in Gardnerville for help in the past. I would recommend them if you still are looking for some help.