OnX/Iphone Offline Maps Help


Aug 11, 2014
I'm leaving early next week for Idaho and had planned this weekend to get all my maps downloaded on my iPhone. But now I've hit a major roadblock and tech support isn't available.

I'm using OnX for the first time this year, usually use Trimble and in the area I'm planning to go to which encompasses quite a large area, for very detailed maps on Trimble I'm using 1GB of storage for Topo + Aerial.

With the way OnX seems to limit you to ultra-high resolution with their "tile" selection method, each tile is 85MB and I'm going to need hundreds of tiles to cover my area.

Am I missing something? Is there some other way to get a lower-res download for a larger area? This tile-by-tile thing seems overly tedious and a huge waste of space and time. All I'm really after is land ownership data for this trip. Anyone who's done this before on an iphone I'd appreciate your input. Thanks.
I had similar issues wit my galaxy S5. I ended up having to save all of my maps to my my micro SD card. There is an option for storage location in the settings. I don't think Apple has a space for an external memor card (I'm not 100% sure on this,) so I think you are stuck with saving them locally. The offline maps only save the layers that you have active at the time you "save" them, so to keep file size down, you may try to turn off all unecessay layers. I would also imagine that having the arial view instead of just the regular Topo map results in larger file sizes as well. You may have already tried these siggestions, but that's all I can think of off the top of my head that may help. Also if you haven't already tried it, I would highly suggest only dowbloating a max of 10 squares at a time. The download process is a HUGE PITA, as I recently found out as well. Good luck.
Yeah I tried changing the base map to "light gray canvas" which is basically zero detail, some tiles are just 1 square mile of the color grey, still 85MB, same as an aerial image tile. Not too impressed with this or the online Viewer at this point. I love the Trimble website and app but after this season they're getting phased out.
The app used to have a function where you could download large blocks of land at low res. but with land ownership or any other data you wanted to add. It worked really well for finding access points and for scouting large units. A new update came out and there isn't a way to make that happen anymore. My tiles are about 70mb each and they take about 4 minutes to download each. It takes forever and is extremely frustrating.
I downloaded maybe 20 tiles last week and they weren't near that size... maybe 120 mb or so for all of them... i dont have all the layers, but i have most of them. Im on android as well if that makes any difference...

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Just a quick update, I've been back and forth with tech support via email which seems to be a much better way to get ahold of them this time of the year as they're pretty swamped on the phone.

That 85MB was just an "estimate" and not an actual size, it very much depends on the basemap as well. I updated my version and it now gives more accurate numbers per tile.

They also said when you download a single tile it downloads a low-res 10 mile square tile for the surrounding area, which is pretty sweet.

In September they're rolling out a feature where you can select a large area and not go tile by tile, which will save a lot of time.

They've been very responsive and helpful on this. I still have my complaints about the web Viewer but understand it's still in beta. The app, land ownership info available and support are top notch though, really hope by next season I can be using just his one app.