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  1. T

    Is the current high tag demand a bubble that will crash in the next 10 years?

    I don't believe it's as much doom and gloom as some are saying. Covid caused a massive increase in hunting, especially western hunting. I believe that demand will subside with enough time. Western hunting is hard and once those new hunters realize it, they will drop out. I started western...
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    Brittany Spaniel...

    I've never owned one, but I'm very interested in the small munsterlander. Everything I've read said they are good hunters and great in the house. I do a lot of hunting and will always get a hunting breed but 98% of the time you spend with your dog will not be hunting so the every day life is...
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    No Big Game Tags Drawn, is this normal?

    In normal supply and demand, price can affect supply and price can affect demand. Demand does not affect supply, and vice versa. However, this is not normal consumer supply and demand. The fish and game could create more supply, by offering more tags but that would not be sustainable because...
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    No Big Game Tags Drawn, is this normal?

    I do the same thing. I calculate odds of not drawing a tag and subtracting it from one so I know the odds of drawing one or more tags. For example (using GoHunt odds), I have/had a 29% chance of drawing Montana antelope, 3.1% chance of drawing Arizona elk, and 3.4% chance of drawing New Mexico...
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    2024 co elk recaps

    Congratulations on the awesome bull and a great experience! Hunting is still hunting, no matter how many units it took to draw. There is never a guarantee.
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    2024 co elk recaps

    Correct. They can be relatively worse for a variety of reasons. Trophy potential, number of animals, steepness of terrain, ease of access, amount of public land, amount of pressure, or any difficulty like you have mentioned. The number of points required to draw is how the general population...
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    2024 co elk recaps

    The data for the last few years does show that point creep can be over one, which would mean it cannot be caught. This is especially true at the mid and high point units. However, fundamentally, point creep cannot stay over one forever. Thats because only one point can be added each year. What...
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    2024 co elk recaps

    I did compile the 2024 data. 2019-2023 average point creep vs 2024 point creep: 1-4 points: 0.39 vs 0.76 5-14 points: 0.88 vs 1.28 15+ points: 1.21 vs 1.69 Overall: 0.49 vs 1.08 As expected, point creep was significantly worse for NR elk archery tags because of the reduction in tag allocation.
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    2024 co elk recaps

    I crunched some more numbers on point creep. I only included archery units/tags because I didn't feel like spending an eternity compiling data. What I'm trying to find is the average number of points needed to draw. This is a weighted average because I factored in the number of tags given for...
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    2024 co elk recaps

    That makes a lot of sense. I appreciate the insight, Dave!
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    2024 co elk recaps

    For the data nerds like me. I charted the NRs elk draw recap data since 2015. The data does not show anything surprising. Overall demand is up with the biggest increase in 2021 (Covid), other than 2018 (not sure what happened here). One thing to note is this data does not consider OTC sales...
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    Need advice , my pup is getting aggressive ..

    Beating and correction are two separate things. Corrections can be with force, like how a mother dog would approach. ECollars, prong collars, healing stick, pop of the leash are all corrections using force. These are tools to TEACH your dog. Beating can create hostility and can lead to more...
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    Need advice , my pup is getting aggressive ..

    Do not harm the dog. All you're teaching him is to stop the signs of aggression (growling) and not fixing the underlying cause. I would rather the dog let me know they are uncomfortable than to hide it and snap. I agree with others, all treats/foods should be earned. No more access to food...
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    Idaho Lifetime License- Non-Resident

    Thanks for the clarification! That’s a massive perk.
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    Idaho Lifetime License- Non-Resident

    Quick question. If the lifetime license holder moves out of state, can they pickup a general elk or deer tag without going through the nonresident mess on December 1st? Basically, they are guaranteed an elk and deer tag every year in the zones that don't have a resident cap?
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    Eastern MT??? Thoughts?

    Thanks for providing that information, Erict! It looks like Montana is not differentiating between a hunter targeting mule deer vs a hunter targeting a whitetail. The numbers show that non-residents are more successful in harvesting more and better quality mule deer. I would assume that is...
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    Accidental Arizona Coues Deer Tag

    Thank you! I guess I didn’t take a good look at him and his teeth. I was more worried about quartering my first animal before it got dark!
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    Sold Meopta 15x56 binoculars Cabelas euro glass

    Are these still available?
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    Truck Camping setups

    This past summer my dad and I built a cooking/camping setup in the back of the truck. I found the idea off of youtube. I use quick connects for both the propane and water. I pressurize the water tank with a hand held ryobi air compressor and it holds about 12 gallons of water, I believe. Here...
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    Idaho Tag Site Already Crashed

    What time did you call in? I'm curious if I would have called in 30 mins before the sale, I would have been lower in line. I called in 5 mins before it opened.