Looking for a couple youth first Biggame rifles for a couple 10 year olds. Catch is, one is left handed, one right handed. Not married to any caliber in particular, but partial to the 7mm-08. I've already saddled one up with a Steven's 200 in 7mm-08. Had to do significant work to that one to get er to shoot. Turns out, now it dang near the best shooter I have, though ugly as all heck. ..
Not looking to do much to these to see good accuracy out of the box. I'm interested in any first hand accounts of the ruger, savage, mossberg, etc youth compacts in this class.
Thanks for the help friends....
Not looking to do much to these to see good accuracy out of the box. I'm interested in any first hand accounts of the ruger, savage, mossberg, etc youth compacts in this class.
Thanks for the help friends....