Go_deep, you questioning my manhood? Heck, the one I packed out was almost double that size! Took 4 trips!
I can tell you what being a tough bastard will get you. I just under the ladt year, 4 different surgeries, both shoulders, one full knee replacement, and prostate surgery. I have my second knee replacement this December. I also have a collapsed disk in my low back, herdated on both sides. Call me stupid, but plan on continuing to hunt, but slow down a tad.Some tough bastards here. I usually give up on packing out the trash out if it’s too heavy.
My moose this year was about 2.5 miles out. I had planned to hunt an area closer to class 1 water to float out but I found a fat 55 incher on the hike in just as close to the car as it was to the water. I guess I also didn't really think I'd see a legal bull so I didn't think too much about doing it solo. But luck was there and I couldn't refuse the opportunity so I put him down. Turning it over amongst the alders and tussocks was a b!tch. No trees large enough to tie off on either. Honestly, after it's all in game bags, it's usually felt like it's a victory lap hiking out and I have pretty good energy. The hike out was 7 roundtrips to move about 750 lbs with the antlers. I'd still do it again, except I'd certainly have a partner for sure! On the bright side, that experience should make future moose hunts feel a bit easier.