Your longest pack out by foot?

2 of us packed out an elk 6 miles one time. 4 miles of it was walking a fire road trail that was closed but it was ALL on foot.

We were pretty tired by the end of the day. 2 trips each.

My knees still hurt....

We found out a couple days later that one of the locals had horses "for rent". lol
I never said everyone was lying. I ventured a guess about the AVERAGE reported distance and that a DECENT percentage embellish. Sorry my hypothesis got your undies in such a bunch. I am relieved that your internet bragging is backed up with verified gps data.
Perfect example of a troll. Nothing to contribute but your feelings that everyone is making stuff up or can't read a map.

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Perfect example of a troll. Nothing to contribute but your feelings that everyone is making stuff up or can't read a map.

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Perfect example of a snowflake. Gets butt hurt over a post that was poking fun at no one in particular in regards to who is the toughest Rokslider.
Since you would like me to contribute, my last pack out was five miles through the snow uphill both ways. I should have posted that earlier; I just felt my testosterone levels and self confidence sky rocket.
Perfect example of a snowflake. Gets butt hurt over a post that was poking fun at no one in particular in regards to who is the toughest Rokslider.
Since you would like me to contribute, my last pack out was five miles through the snow uphill both ways. I should have posted that earlier; I just felt my testosterone levels and self confidence sky rocket.
More trolling.

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If people aren't posting their distances based on mapping software.....then what the hell are they basing their pack outs off of???

We often like to play guess how far we have walked today before checking our tracking. We are always WAY off. Especially in the steep terrain we hunt. The distances I've posted are based on OnX tracking and my partners I Phone which are usually close within a mile in say a 12 mile day.

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Not sure on my furthest but I can say the worst was well under 2 miles due to very steep terrain, fresh slick snow and plenty of down trees to navigate. Distance is relative...
Distance being relative, are there multipliers for oak brush or matchstick blowdown (with extra points depending on how high it is?? One of the worst pack outs I've had was also a short one. I was only 3 miles in, but about 2/3 of it was through blowdown, in an area that had previously burned. It had snowed all day, and the clay mud had turned to grease... Boned out and packed out a mule deer in one load, don't think I made more than 2 steps at a time before I fell down, and footing when climbing over the blowdown was non-existent. I would rather go 10 miles on alpine tundra and trails than repeat that experience. I shy away from hunting burns and blowdown anymore as a result of how miserable it was.
Aw hell no! This is worse than any pack out by far.
Never had any fear of coyotes until I got surrounded while walking through dense fog in a field as a teenager. I fired my only shot from my Grandpa’s 410 and I thought they left but I soon realized they just stopped making noise and kept circling just barely out of sight. There were at least five of the creepy little bastards.
Furthest pack was a blacktail at just under 9 miles. Most distance traveled during a hunt was 67 miles over eight days during a bear hunt. The miles during the hunt went by fast and didn’t seem like that many but my cousin was keeping track. That old boar still lives in there and I still haven’t figured out how to get the wind right to get in shooting distance. Hills form a big eddy with the wind that only changes direction morning and evening.
The furthest I have hiked in for hunting was about 6 miles and I don't go that far in anymore. My longest drag or pack out was probably less than 1.5 miles. Whatever it was exactly, it was far enough.