3 x 6 = 18mi, same day. And woo did my feet feel that!
I'd guess about a 180-200 Lbs buck. 6 miles in... get lucky in the morning, real hot like 90F at 8:30a, so immediately debone and pack him out. Muscles, head, hide. Left the tent and bag and some minor stuff (one of them being my guide lid, which had my headlamp in it, important point for later) to shed some weight for the pack-out. Sun was brutal. MULTIPLE stops to let out heat!
Get to truck, meat in cooler, it's stupid hot, so I figure wait to near sundown to begin going back in for tent, so not killing myself. Finally sun low enough, time to go, then see 7 MtnLions (3 adult-sized 4 juveniles) at base of waterfall that's dried up ATM.
Seriously considered going home and coming back later for that stuff. But tents are expensive so I press on along trail that's like 60yds above them. Top of waterfall, approaching last light, think I see coyote, then the head with big ears rises up beside. It's a Mama Doe and her fawn! Oh OK, that's why MtnLions down there, probably waiting for sundown to stalk their dinner! "C-Ya Wouldn't Wanna Be Ya!". Check my 6 like every 30 seconds, on high alert.
As I proceed, night darkens, pull out the other light I did have on me, the backup hand flashlight. About a mile in... flashlight starts flickering. Fearing it's gonna die on me, I cut it to conserve the power. Cannot tell you the dread about cutting the light after just passing 7 preds! Eek. No bueno.
Was half-moon night, so could kinda see the trial line mostly ok enough. So instead quickly turned on the light just to look into the darker turn-ins along the trail of this side-hilling ridge trail.
Finally back to tent, rapidly search for the headlamp and put on! Break down the tent, pack the rest of the stuff into my pack all bloodied up with deer blood.
got back to truck around 10-something, after change and spit-bath driving out 11:30p.
ON the drive out thought I saw up ahead where a yote hopped into the road, sped-up to confirm, it was! The road has barbed wire fencing on both sides thru this stretch. I speed up to see if I can make him run faster! Get him up to like 40mph before he finally reaches an area where he can divert and dart thru the fence and off the road.
Was a fun ending to a rough day.