Your first deer rifle?

Pre 64 Model 70 in 30-06 with an original Weaver scope. Both 1945 vintage. Belonged to my great-grandfather. My hope is to use it to take a chamois this year on its 80th birthday. I’ll need to upgrade the scope though.

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I didn't get into hunting until I was in my 30s when met my wife. The in laws like to hunt and I picked up the bug from them.

My first deer rifle was a Browning AB3 in 6.5 creed packaged with a Leupold VX-Freedom 3-9x40. It's an accurate little gun and my wife and I have killed several deer with it. We have both since upgraded so it is now the gun we loan to friends and family that want to come hunt but don't have a rifle handy.

I now use a Browning X-Bolt Speed in 6.5 PRC with a VX-6HD 3-18 x 50 and my wife has a Weatherby Mk 5 Camilla Ultralight in .243 with a VX-5HD 3-15 x 44.
.243 remington mohawk..still could shoot a dime at 200 yards...use it for doe headshots...
BSA 30,06. First Moose rifle would be more accurate. I did eventually shoot WT and a couple Mule does with it when I moved to alberta in my early twenties.
My Dad gave me his Remington Model 700 30-06 that he bought in the early 70's off a guy for $150 bucks, the guy thought something was wrong with the gun. because he couldn't get it to keep zero. Dad bought it replaced the scope with a brand new top of the line Redfield Widefield 3X9 and it's killed untold numbers of whitetails, a few bear, and a few bobcats since then lol. And it has held zero and never had to be sighted in again ever.
Mine was Marlin 336RC in 30-30. Killed my first deer with it, back about 1979-80, a small 5pt basket rack. I sold the rifle many years ago and have regretted it.
Sporterized and heavily lightened 1903A3 Springfield with a steel butt plate, this was in high school but even at that age it was abusive with 180gr loads. Shot around 3 moa. I never inspected the bore or slugged it but looking back I assume it was shot out or worn out from cleaning. If I recall the rifling at the crown looked rather light.
My Dad gave me his Remington Model 700 30-06 that he bought in the early 70's off a guy for $150 bucks, the guy thought something was wrong with the gun. because he couldn't get it to keep zero. Dad bought it replaced the scope with a brand new top of the line Redfield Widefield 3X9 and it's killed untold numbers of whitetails, a few bear, and a few bobcats since then lol. And it has held zero and never had to be sighted in again ever.
Hey Glendon Mullins. The first deer rifle that I owned was also a 700 30-06. I bought it when I was 13. What ammo do you run through yours? Mine has always shot well with 180 gr corelokt’s. It actually shoots most 180 grain ammo well and most to the same point of impact at 100 yards. I shoot other rifles now, but have always loved that 30-06.
Hey Glendon Mullins. The first deer rifle that I owned was also a 700 30-06. I bought it when I was 13. What ammo do you run through yours? Mine has always shot well with 180 gr corelokt’s. It actually shoots most 180 grain ammo well and most to the same point of impact at 100 yards. I shoot other rifles now, but have always loved that 30-06.
For years we used corelocts, 165grains and 180 grains, both shot well. Springle in some winchester powerpoints here and there , and plain old federal blue boxes. Nothing fancy. Dad was a coal miner that hunted for 1 week out of the year, we bought what was on the shelf and it all worked.

I now reload and have tried various other bullets, but nothing has really "out performed" them old corelocts
I was given a Savage 7mm-08 topped with an old Leupold 2-7 when I was about 10 years old. Took three blacktail with Fed Fusion 140s. Dropped every single one!