Your first deer rifle?

I started with some old wooden 20ga pump. Don't even know the manufacturer, but I actually hunted with that for probably 15 years until they opened up rifle cartridges in my state. Then I went high tech with a bergara hmr 308, 6-24x scope, and a titanium suppressor. It's heavy to sling around, but it's fun to point and shoot. Very little sound and very little recoil.
Technically my first deer rifle was a cva scout in 243, but the first rifle I killed a deer with was a ruger american also in 243. I got that at 10 years old and have been hunting with it since. The only deer the cva has taken so far was a doe my youngest brother shot a few years ago. That ruger now wears an upgraded scope and some boyds laminate furniture, but everything else is how I got it for my birthday
Have you had good luck on deer? My wife and I both picked up a tikka t3x compact in 243 for $425 a piece. But they are the 1:10 twist so I’m pretty sure the LRX won’t stabilize. I run coppers but thinking the 80 TTSX or the 85 TSX.
I shot a doe last year with the 80gr ttsx and have seen a number shot with either that or the 80gr gmx. Unless you hit the cns or larger bones they don't cause a ton of damage. Puts deer down with shoulder shots but even the one I shot last year with an impact velocity of about 3070 into the scapula left me a bit unimpressed. Wounding was basically 1.5 inches of permanent damage located only in the spine, I put a finishing shot into that doe but if I wasn't only 70yds from her she may have been dead when I got to her. I think moving forward when loading copper bullets it will either be hammers or the DRT stuff. I have a load in my brothers mossberg 243 with a 69gr absolute hammer going 3650, hopefully come November I can see what that does for him.
My first deer rifle was my Model 788 in .308 Winchester. I bought it from a tiny dealer thru my friend “Woody” in late 1972, for $69.95 with a Universal 4X scope and mounts. I loved that rifle. I only bowhunted from 1963 to 1973, and first hunted with my rifle in the Jemez mountains with my friend Porfidio. I moved back to Michigan that December but was afraid of getting shot, so only bowhunted until 1976. I shot my first buck with it in 1978, and it proceeded to take a good number of public land bucks in that same swamp. I cold blued the underside of the barrel and refinished the stock after my last face plant dragging an 8 point out of that same swamp in 1992, and bought a S/S Model 700 in ‘06 to limit future damage.

That trusty and very accurate 788 is still mine, but it’s my grandson’s come deer season.

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My first deer rifle was my Model 788 in .308 Winchester. .

That trusty and very accurate 788 is still mine, but it’s my grandson’s come deer season.
I had this rifle and it was a very nice and simple rifle. I believe it was the first deer rifle I bought myself. I also messed up the stock so I swapped a Boyd’s stock on it. After that it didn’t shoot very well and at the time I thought the barrel may have been shot out. Knowing what do know I don’t think that was the case. But I was young and dumb and traded it off because I needed a new duck gun.

All grandsons should have a gun handed down from grandpa! I hope he cherishes it like i do my grandpas Win 94.
Remington Model 700 in .270 with Simmons Pro 50 scope, which turned out to be defective and wouldn't hold zero. Grazed a couple of deer low and high. Passed up a monster 8 point that year (8th grade) between 50-75 yards with plenty of daylight because I had no confidence in the scope. Easily 130 inch deer, but most likely 145 inch. My dad saw him the following week (a few days before Christmas) and he was already broken off on one side.

Dad wouldn't let me shoot iron sights with it that season, so bounced around between my granddaddy's Winchester .270 and my dad's Remington 700 .270. I had already killed a handful of deer at this point in my life, but passing up that buck still kills me. Got a new Simmons scope for the following season and killed piles of deer with it.

Has a 3-9x Leupold on it now, but rarely sees action due to how heavy it is. Super accurate gun, but I've fallen out of favor with it due to weight. Still love the gun, and will probably try and pull it out this season. Hard to pass up my sub MOA .308 though.
My uncle sent me out first with his 4-10. Don't even remember who the maker was. The first which was mine, was an early 90's Savage 110 in 30-06. Not the greatest for a teenager blowing out my shoulder. Of course they said, you only need one shot. Aim small, miss small. Heh
My father bought me a Win 94 in 30-30 for my 11th birthday. The first deer rifle I bought.for myself was a1980s Winchester m70 F.W. in 30-06. I still have the M70 but have moved on to smaller cartridges (.257 Roberts, 6.5 Creed.) for deer.
CZ 527 in 7.62x39.

Unfortunately the stock cracked and then it dropped and fully broke. She’s sitting stockless now.
For short range whitetail the 7.62x39 is my favorite. Mine is in a Ruger American Ranch. Hopefully for should be an able to track down a new stock for you CZ.