I shot a doe last year with the 80gr ttsx and have seen a number shot with either that or the 80gr gmx. Unless you hit the cns or larger bones they don't cause a ton of damage. Puts deer down with shoulder shots but even the one I shot last year with an impact velocity of about 3070 into the scapula left me a bit unimpressed. Wounding was basically 1.5 inches of permanent damage located only in the spine, I put a finishing shot into that doe but if I wasn't only 70yds from her she may have been dead when I got to her. I think moving forward when loading copper bullets it will either be hammers or the DRT stuff. I have a load in my brothers mossberg 243 with a 69gr absolute hammer going 3650, hopefully come November I can see what that does for him.Have you had good luck on deer? My wife and I both picked up a tikka t3x compact in 243 for $425 a piece. But they are the 1:10 twist so I’m pretty sure the LRX won’t stabilize. I run coppers but thinking the 80 TTSX or the 85 TSX.
I had this rifle and it was a very nice and simple rifle. I believe it was the first deer rifle I bought myself. I also messed up the stock so I swapped a Boyd’s stock on it. After that it didn’t shoot very well and at the time I thought the barrel may have been shot out. Knowing what do know I don’t think that was the case. But I was young and dumb and traded it off because I needed a new duck gun.My first deer rifle was my Model 788 in .308 Winchester. .
That trusty and very accurate 788 is still mine, but it’s my grandson’s come deer season.
For short range whitetail the 7.62x39 is my favorite. Mine is in a Ruger American Ranch. Hopefully for should be an able to track down a new stock for you CZ.CZ 527 in 7.62x39.
Unfortunately the stock cracked and then it dropped and fully broke. She’s sitting stockless now.