Your first deer rifle?

my very first one I carried in the woods when I was about 13 or so was Winchester Model 94 30-30 lever gun my dad had.
My brother now has the rifle.
I've been shooting Rugers for some time and I always go back to the original M77 with the tang safety. You can find them used for a very good price.

As far as cartridge, anything from 6.5x55 up to 30-06 should do without forcing you to deal with more recoil than necessary; however if you've been shooting a slug gun as you say, recoil doesn't seem to be a problem.

If I were you, I'd find a used M77 in 270 or anything else in the above spread and take the money you saved to buy a high quality scope. That should last you a lifetime.
Picked up a Weatherby Weathermark 6.5 creedmoor. Able to get a little nicer one since I waited until age 35 to start learning to hunt.
Picked up a Weatherby Weathermark 6.5 creedmoor. Able to get a little nicer one since I waited until age 35 to start learning to hunt.
I understand that. The amount of money I’ve spent over the years trading and upgrading rifles and shotguns. I suppose I’ve been able to learn what like/wanted in a rifle. Tikka is the answer.
First I ever hunted with was a Remington 742 in 30-06. It had the mandatory 3x9 in see through rings.

First I ever bought was a Ruger in 270. It ended up in a B&C stock and with a Timney before it shot well enough for me to be satisfied.
Ugh I hate those peek-a-boo scope mounts. Probably trashed over a dozen sets off used old rifles I've bought.
Remington 870 20ga with a Simmons 4x32 scope; rifles were not allowed in Indiana at the time (1995). I still have it!
Remington 870 20ga with a Simmons 4x32 scope; rifles were not allowed in Indiana at the time (1995). I still have it!
That was my first deer gun, my first rifle was about 3 years ago. Indiana's limited laws narrowed the decision down to a straight-walled cartridge and I went with the .350 Legend - Ruger Gunsite Scout. Sweet little shooter that is still my go-to when I lay down the bow!
My first deer rifle was a 30-30 Marlin 336C, 2.5 power scope, mounts, and a box of shell. Paid $112. The group I hunted with said scopes were no good and would never last. Shot 19 bucks and one doe with that setup.
First deer gun was a Remington 870 20ga that my dad used, then handed down to my brother, then was handed down to me. Used it for 5-6 years and then pa bought my brother and I Remington 7400’s for Christmas. My brother still has his to this day but for the life of me I had horrible luck with mine. Sold it and bought myself a Tikka T3 that is a tac driver.
First deer rifle was a rossi single shot 243 win never killed a deer with it shot at 2 missed but the first deer rifle I acutally killed anything with is a weatherby vanguard badlands in 300 weatherby magnum I begged dad for it and he finally got me one and I killed 4 with it last year but I killed my first deer with a 1920 or 1930 model 303 brittish 6pt 120 yards run about 30. Edit the 303 brit was my dad's rifle.
First deer rifle was a rossi single shot 243 win never killed a deer with it shot at 2 missed but the first deer rifle I acutally killed anything with is a weatherby vanguard badlands in 300 weatherby magnum I begged dad for it and he finally got me one and I killed 4 with it last year but I killed my first deer with a 1920 or 1930 model 303 brittish 6pt 120 yards run about 30. Edit the 303 brit was my dad's rifle.
Wow that’s two very different rifles and cartridges. What about the 300 weatherby made you need it over some other cartridge?

I’m Father in laws go to rifle is a Lee enfield. He has killed many deer with it.
Wow that’s two very different rifles and cartridges. What about the 300 weatherby made you need it over some other cartridge?

I’m Father in laws go to rifle is a Lee enfield. He has killed many deer with it.
Nothing tbh but I don't want deer running five miles so one shot dropp dead with every one I've hit
Hand me down 20 ga. Remington 870 express that I got from my uncle when I was 12. Has a hastings slug barrel on it, sweet shooter. Havent used it in years but I might have to bust it out one of these days and kill a few more deer with it.
My first was a Winchester M94 bought with S&H green stamps. The first i got with my own money was a Ruger 77r, tang safety 7mm mag. I was 17 at the time. Loved that rifle, should have never traded it! It did get traded for a beautiful Ruger No.1 in 6mm. Should have kept that one also. I don't trade any now, just buy more!
Ruger 1B 6mm Remington. My deer, antelope, coyote rifle. Not my first deer rifle, but I just wanted to let casey36 know that the Ruger #1's are cherished, wether it is your first or your last.
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