Your first deer rifle?

Savage mod 99e in 308 win, I payed $235 for it 35 years ago. I killed a lot of deer and my first black bear with it. I still have the rifle but have not used it in years
Mine was a Weatherby vanguard 7mm-08 youth, when they came with two different size stocks. Unfortunately sold it like a dumbass when I turned 18 to buy a .300 win mag. Regret it now that I’ve had to buy youth guns for my kiddos when that would have been great to pass down.
Mine was a Winchester 1897 12 gauge. IN was shotgun only when I started hunting about 30 years go but now you can use quite a few different centerfire calibers. I still have that shotgun.
Marlin 336 .35 Rem that was my grandfathers. He died when I was 3, my grandmother gave it to me when I was 14. That was the legal age here at the time.

Took me 40 years to kill a deer with that rifle, broke down and shot a doe on the last day of the late season a few years ago.

My first deer rifle was a Belgian made Browning BAR in .30-06 that my dad purchased from a customer for $500 in mint condition. Talk about the best Christmas present ever! This was nearly 15 years ago. I shot my first axis deer with it before we realized how special it was and put it in the safe. I’ll have to check the serial number again, but I believe it is from the late 60s or early 70s maybe.
My Grandfather's Ruger .257 Roberts with a Leopold Scope when I was 12. I think my dad has actually been using that rifle the last 10 years or so for whitetail. Was able to take my first two PA whitetails with it when I was 13 & 15 years old.
350 Legend Savage Axis II. Used it for the second time this year - love it. Last year I got three deer (two does and my first buck), and this year I got a doe with it over the weekend.
A gun which I still have and use, a Winchester Model 670a in 243 with the 3 position safety. My great grandpa bought it new, then my grandpa used it, then my dad, and now I have it, and hopefully my sons get to use it. You want to talk about a firearm with a history... I have no idea how many coyotes, beaver, deer, moose, etc have been taken with it, and it's on its second factory barrel lol.
Papaw got me a savage .243 from Walmart. Gun has always shot straight and taken many animals. He’s since passed on and it’s a gun I’ll never part with, plan to pass it down to my son.