Your favorite hunting knife?

Derr: Neck Knife
Rainbow Damascus
Mammoth tusk handle, spotted maple insert and nickel silver guard
Leather sheath with stingray center.
Love it, carry it everywhere

mines nothing special, although the makers knives do bring some pretty good money now a days, I have a very early Lucas Forge, carbon steel, skinner style, I keep it hair popping sharp and its just been a solid overall knife. I sometimes carry a Dunn Bird and Trout as well.
my favorite, but it's always accompanied by a Tyto w/ blades

Nothing fancy, but very special to me. I got this knife when my grandpa was put into assisted living with Alzheimer’s and could no longer posses this. It was one of his greatest treasures and it will be mine as well, and hopefully many generations to come. It was in pretty rough shape when I got it and had it cleaned up/sharpened earlier this year and now ready for action. Hoping to put it to use on the land he grew up on in a few weeks when the whitetails start cooperating .
Outdoor edge swing blaze for me. Have tried and sold a bunch of other ones and keep coming back to that one
Derr: Neck Knife
Rainbow Damascus
Mammoth tusk handle, spotted maple insert and nickel silver guard
Leather sheath with stingray center.
Love it, carry it everywhere

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Just out of curiosity, what are the advantages of a neck knife and why do you carry it everywher? I would guess it’s somewhat uncomfortable pressing against your sternum. Would not a clip knife in your pocket be more practical and comfortable?
Just out of curiosity, what are the advantages of a neck knife and why do you carry it everywher? I would guess it’s somewhat uncomfortable pressing against your sternum. Would not a clip knife in your pocket be more practical and comfortable?
Not sure if there are advantages truthfully, I just enjoy it. If I’m hunting I toss it in my bino harness. But it doesn’t bother me otherwise.
Nothing fancy, but very special to me. I got this knife when my grandpa was put into assisted living with Alzheimer’s and could no longer posses this
Have this same knife that I received 30 years ago when my grandfather passed away. Great job on cleaning it up, inspiring me to do the same.

For big game I use a Dozier Yukon skinner. for waterfowl I prefer a cheap old timer sharpfinger. So cheap I keep a few in different hunting bags and truck, not the case with the Dozier.
if you had to chose one knife to take hunting with you what would it be? Or do you take several? I’ve always used the outdoor edge replacement blade type knives but they don’t have much backbone. Any recommendations?
I like my boker ceramic.
I really like my Buck PakLite. I can't really explain why, but I tried several knives until I got this one 8-9 years ago. I haven't had any desire to switch since. Some people don't like the skeleton handle, but it feels good in my hand, it's light weight, stays sharp, etc.
I really like my Buck PakLite. I can't really explain why, but I tried several knives until I got this one 8-9 years ago. I haven't had any desire to switch since. Some people don't like the skeleton handle, but it feels good in my hand, it's light weight, stays sharp, etc.
I’ve field dressed a lot of animals with my buck 110 no complaints