Your Best Budget Gun ever?

Mauser M18 in 30-06 from EuroOptic for $399. My teenage son has used it for the past 2 years and he has killed a pile of game with it.

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Ruger American in .308

Ithaca/SKB model 100 SxS 20 gauge with 3" IMP/MOD chambers. Bought at an auction around 2002 for $400 "for my wife". ;) I've killed too many rabbits, roosters, and squirrels to count with this thing, and it shoulders and points better than any shotgun I've ever used. Checked the value on it a few years ago and was blown away that they regularly go upwards a thousand bucks these days.
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Okay, two then a curve....
I bought a Savage-Anschutz 164 Sporter from a local estate sale with a Leupold M8 and Conetrol mounts for $375 in mint condition.
I sold the scope and mounts for $175 and now have a minty Anschutz 164 for $200 invested.
It shoots great.

Another deal was a guy that needed funds for another purchase...Sold me his SW 686-3 4" and a 642, both with lots of extras including LH Kramer leather for $650.
I sold the 642 for $400, sold the LH leather for $150 and how I have a sweet 686-3 for the sum total of $100.

Now for the other side....I traded my dad's CMP 1911-A1 that he paid $16 back in the late fifties-early 60s for a used Glock 17.
I had to add $100 to make that deal.
Probably a savage 16 lightweight in 6.5 cm, 599 out the door, super light rifle shoots great groups with factory ammo, stock is awful, but good price for a nice action and barrel
54 knight muzz brand new thumb hole stock $167 bought it 18ys ago killed ton of deer with it always seem to grab that instead of shotgun or rifle. Now my son has taken 2 bucks with it and my daughter has been shooting it( i cut down a wood stock off a 50 cal knight filed down to fit barrel she's 10yrs old) 50 grains powder at 50yds. Son killed both bucks one at 45yds other at 60 with 60gr of powder
I got a Tikka T3 Varmint in 308 ages ago for like $400. threw on a $500 scope and was shooting sub .5 moa groups with handloads.
Savage axis
At our local state range, Savage Axis II`s are the most common traditional style hunting rifle that I`ve seen. Black Friday specials at Bass Pro had guys buying them for under 300 with scopes. The guys I spoke with really liked them, particularly their out of the box accuracy at bargain prices. Definitely a niche gun for someone trying to get into shooting without a lot of money.
Savage model 12 varmint, in 204 ruger.
It's probably my most accurate shooter. A little heavy, but perfect for reaching out at critters across the pond out back. Has dropped squirrels at 200 yards.

Was not a Savage fan or owner, until this one. Was trying to bridge the gap between my 17hmr and .223 for varmints.
Came across a case of .204 ammo and bought it. Then found this gun at a small town hardware store. Upon request for a .204, they found this in the basement, it was new, had it for years, and luckily priced at the old price. About half of what it costs to buy new these days. Easily my best value purchase.
S & W Model 13, 357 for $200. It was a police trade in and I got to choose from two boxes of them. Barely scraped up the $ for one- wish I could have bought them all!
Weatherby Vanguard S1, 30.06 on close out at Sportsman’s for $250.
Weatherby Vanguard S2, wood stock 243, Walmart close out for $350.
Remington 700 ADL, 223 combo gun, Walmart close out for $79. Didn’t stay budget for long when I added a Boyd’s At-One stock and a TriggerTech.
A Remington 510 target master that I bought in 2008 for $50 bucks. Has been one of the best 22 I have ever had
T/C Venture .308. Traded two single shot rifles for it. Leupold Vx2 3-9. 400$ into it all and it’s a 1” 10 shot group. Heavier than anything else comparable but makes it shoot well. Can’t justify selling it.