Yo So. Texas! I got Nilgai questions

After committing to the guide in writing and requesting a contract, he never responded until the following week to tell me I was bumped. But I see the issue more clearly now...I was trying to book a hunt and they were only interested in booking harvests. It's different down there.
No it really isnt. Money talks and bullshit walks in any part of the world. If someone else comes in with cash in hand no outfitter in the world is waiting on you to maybe send them your money. You werent bumped because you never had a hunt booked. Quit pissing and moaning and trashing the great state of Texas. It is one of the most diverse places in the world. Not only in hunting types and styles but its people as well.

If I have money, I can go harvest (as you call it) the biggest elk I want. Or sheep. Or Moose. Or any other animal that walks this planet. An outfitter in California, Montana, Arizona, Alaska, Canada, wherever will take my green money and put me on a harvest. There are plenty of hard hunts in Texas. You stumbled on one that isnt to your liking and you want to ridicule all hunting associated with Texas.
He doesn’t care about any of that, and on another forum he admitted to offering the guide 50% on top of the price of the hunt to be able to hunt spot and stalk with his recurve after the guide had hesitations. Now he’s saying he was charged 150%..... he never signed a contract or put down a deposit. He never had anything booked. He’s just butt hurt that he got told no is all.

And as far as that ranch just wanting your fees, that is laughable. They are rolling in the money and have been forever. The outfitter has that place leased because he can make the hunting operation run smoothly within the guidelines set by the board. He doesn’t need problems, that’s why you didn’t get the hunt booked.
Stop your lying bullcrap, I never "offered" to pay more...the Kenedy Trust wanted that (according to the guide). i dislike the whole mentality, anyone considering a Texas Nilgai hunt, now you know how the game is sold. I make no comments about any other hunting in Texas. Never have.
Stop your lying bullcrap, I never "offered" to pay more...the Kenedy Trust wanted that (according to the guide). i dislike the whole mentality, anyone considering a Texas Nilgai hunt, now you know how the game is sold. I make no comments about any other hunting in Texas. Never have.

I have zero reason to lie about anything. I live down here, I know the ranch and the outfit you are talking crap about. I know they have a great reputation for being straight and for donating great deals of time, money, and land for conservation. You’ve been on two different websites blasting away about how you were wronged, yet you never signed a contract or paid a dime. So what are you really mad about??

For being 61 you sure do bitch a lot. Rock up a bit
So far I'm told they are very territorial, even dropping a deuce in the same spot over and over. During the rut the herds are tight and super spooky so still hunting is the best option, just gotta get lucky. A local guide also said 40% of those arrowed are never recovered...not even using blood dogs. The elastic skin closes up and there's nothing to follow. Very tough critters to hunt and kill. He hasn't heard of anyone taking a Nilgai with a recurve. Those who gettem are using compounds and shooting 40-60 yards. So any Nilgai with a stickbow would be special and I have access to property with a lot of em and adjacent to a reserve. Sounds like a perfect opportunity to be a hero or a zero. A free range Nilgai with a trad bow...think I might go for it in January and hope i get lucky with some latent rut action. No, they cannot be called in. Yes, they are excellent table fare. Yes, I have have to sit in a treestand or tripod as a last resort. Hmmmm....
Has anyone here hunted the free range Nilgai in Texas? I've been mulling such a hunt over for a while now. I am told getting within bow range (and especially stickbow range) is darn near impossible and that most are taken at 200-400 yards with a heavy bullet of .300 or better. They are supposed to be very skittish but I have seen videos that tell a different story. They are doing really well in south TX and I have access to private property (cattle ranch) that has em on the property but am told "they don't hold still" and a bow won't work. That may be true or it may be a Texas attitude but I like the fact there is no season or size limit or even bag limit. So it's something to do any time of year. Anyone here ever chase em? Thought it might be a great option for the truck tent & ebike.

I have hunted them quite a bit in south Texas. They can see great, smell great, hear great, and taste great. Best time to hunt them if you want to stalk with a bow is when a front is coming through with a North wind. Walk into the wind and try and spot them before they spot you. Watch them as often with the younger bulls they are not alone. The mature bulls will be by themselves or with cows when they are rutting. Very difficult with traditional, I would suggest waterhole if it is not a windy day for stalking.
I have zero reason to lie about anything. I live down here, I know the ranch and the outfit you are talking crap about. I know they have a great reputation for being straight and for donating great deals of time, money, and land for conservation. You’ve been on two different websites blasting away about how you were wronged, yet you never signed a contract or paid a dime. So what are you really mad about??

For being 61 you sure do bitch a lot. Rock up a bit
For a guy with no dog in this, you sure have a lot to say. You & hart8 don't know chit except for what I posted, you weren't there, were not involved, don't have the emails but believe you "know" something I do not. You'd both be laughable if you weren't so anal. You help give Texas it's reputation.
Bruce sounds like a guy that likes to bitch and moan more than anything and he loves the attention that comes along with it. The outfitter dodged a bullet with this one

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I drove around Newfoundland Canada with a guide for 8 days... before finding a Moose. I mean literally drove around in a pickup truck or UTV. Different areas have different protocol.
Well I recently moved here, and I can’t say I disagree with him. I’ll be packing up and headed north as soon as possible, not impressed with anything down here except Mexican breakfast for $3, that’s impressive for homemade.

It’s not high and mighty, I have chances to shoot(not hunt) animals down here, I’ve passed them all up. Working in Ag, I meet a lot of people who have hunts, want me to come out. Hard no on that, I’m not a stand sitter or a stand driver. No offense, I’m a hunter not a shooter.

When you’ve spent most of your life in AK, MT, it is one hell of a shock to walk into this style of “wild game”. Call it what you like, I call it farming not hunting.

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The taco trucks. Don't you dare forget about the taco trucks 🤣
Has anyone here hunted the free range Nilgai in Texas? I've been mulling such a hunt over for a while now. I am told getting within bow range (and especially stickbow range) is darn near impossible and that most are taken at 200-400 yards with a heavy bullet of .300 or better. They are supposed to be very skittish but I have seen videos that tell a different story. They are doing really well in south TX and I have access to private property (cattle ranch) that has em on the property but am told "they don't hold still" and a bow won't work. That may be true or it may be a Texas attitude but I like the fact there is no season or size limit or even bag limit. So it's something to do any time of year. Anyone here ever chase em? Thought it might be a great option for the truck tent & ebike.

If you are headed to south Texas and like to fish. You might look at doing some trout fishing while you are down there. Also for the Nilgai hunting with a bow, some areas where the Nilgai live a pretty open. The place I hunt has a lot of oaks on it. i have seen Nilgai eating acorns off the shrub oak, although this year we do not have many acorns. Look for shaded areas that have green grass for them to feed in.
Opening this back up, hopefully past the bullshit session.

I am going in March to shoot one with a bow. I am leaning heavily towards the new Iron Will single bevels. Has anyone shot one and would recommend the wide cuts instead? It is a few hundred acre high fence. Before I get bashed, its a cow Nilgai and a meat hunt so spare me.
back a few years ago i could have went to africa and brought back 5 head for 8000$
back when i wanted to go [but my pard did not] it was 6000$

now i cant afford it and after talking to guys that have lived in africa or hunted it i am not sure it much different than tx.

i try not to judge those outfitters but it is not for me as much as i would like to do it.
I was just notified that I was drawn for an archery hunt in February 2021 at the Laguna Atascosa NWR - Bahia Grande Unit. Looking forward to it and any advice from those who have done this hunt before.
This unit hasn’t been hunted in decades. But you are allowed to spot and stalk or sit. I’ve hunted the main part of Laguna Atascosa several times. Great hunt! Finding cover will be tougher at Bahia Grande, but I’ve heard it’s “infested” with Nilgai! Stalking was almost impossible at Laguna...scrub brush and thick dry grass was loud when you made any movement. But good thing was you could hear movement coming from a long ways most of the time!
This unit hasn’t been hunted in decades. But you are allowed to spot and stalk or sit. I’ve hunted the main part of Laguna Atascosa several times. Great hunt! Finding cover will be tougher at Bahia Grande, but I’ve heard it’s “infested” with Nilgai! Stalking was almost impossible at Laguna...scrub brush and thick dry grass was loud when you made any movement. But good thing was you could hear movement coming from a long ways most of the time!
Thanks for the info! My hunt is next week and I can’t wait!
Thanks for the info! My hunt is next week and I can’t wait!
Necromancing this once since it's almost prime time- how'd it go? Also, does anyone have any good hole in the wall BBQ/ taco joint recommendations in Harlingen or Port Isabel?
This thread bumping to the top sure got me fired up again haha. Hopefully everyone that is interested in this thread will call those outfits listed above, and gets their own info. It’s a fun hunt that can absolutely be done with archery equipment.