Wow the drama! , I have access to the Kennedy ranch, telephone pastures, we run a pretty tight hunt, good hard hitting rifle caliber , .264 win , short magnum 7mm , 6.8 , 280 rem or A.I
but a 300 win , 300 PCR , 35 whelen, 338 , 375hh , just kill nilgai better
as nothing runs far with crushed shoulders and no lungs
use a ttsx , accubond, NP , ect
reasoning behind mobile hunting is because hunting area is 9 miles wide
and 27 miles long, with deep sand to walk around in .
lots of other players in the nilgai , game night thermal hunts, bow hunting in super thick brush
king , Kennedy, yturria , el saeze are open Mott country requires a rifle
and it’s my camp I will not tolerate rudeness of any kind no matter what state or country you hail from ….