Yo So. Texas! I got Nilgai questions

Did anyone actually do this with a reputable outfitter ?

I did two years ago with a dude who was pretty good. Going back in a few weeks; feel free to PM me if you want.

Also committed to hijacking this thread as I remember finding some really killer BBQ down there last time but can't recall the name of the place
I know this is an old thread and has a lot of drama in it but for those that stumble across it I just wanted to say that there is a texas nilgai hunting facebook group that has lots of outfitters on it that can set you up with whatever kind of hunt you want. Seems like thermals at night is the most popular.

I was invited to hunt a private cattle ranch in south texas last spring. I was really shocked at how many of those things were down there. I shot a small bull with my 6.5 prc. About a 100 yard frontal shot. Didn't take a single step. I highly recommend the frontal. I have had excellent success with it on multiple species. My nilgai hunt was not a road hunt. We rode around the first day and found it basically impossible to get on spooked bulls in heavy cover. I hunted solo on the ground the rest of the time with much better results.
Wow the drama! , I have access to the Kennedy ranch, telephone pastures, we run a pretty tight hunt, good hard hitting rifle caliber , .264 win , short magnum 7mm , 6.8 , 280 rem or A.I
but a 300 win , 300 PCR , 35 whelen, 338 , 375hh , just kill nilgai better
as nothing runs far with crushed shoulders and no lungs
use a ttsx , accubond, NP , ect
reasoning behind mobile hunting is because hunting area is 9 miles wide
and 27 miles long, with deep sand to walk around in .
lots of other players in the nilgai , game night thermal hunts, bow hunting in super thick brush
king , Kennedy, yturria , el saeze are open Mott country requires a rifle

and it’s my camp I will not tolerate rudeness of any kind no matter what state or country you hail from ….
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