Yo So. Texas! I got Nilgai questions

7mm-08 works well too. A partition is very destructive. Just keep it off the shoulder...

I use partitions with few exceptions. Just saying most ranches will not allow either mentioned due to number of lost game. Can’t say I’d agree with it, but more of these are lost than any other game is their reasoning, but you can’t take into account junk ammo, bullets, bad shots, etc. so they go with bigger is better right or wrong

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...or it means the hunter must exercise serious judgment when selecting his broadhead, research the positioning of the vitals, get very close, shoot true and get both lungs.

Is it just me or are the younger generations getting a little too...
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Point taken, shouldnt bring up a valid point to an elder. All i was saying is if they see 40% wound loss with compounds a stick bow seems underpowered. You and I just have different views on acceptable margin for error. I am sure you can kill one with a stick bow. From what I gather the requirement for .30 cal bullets has to do with a need to put that animal down quickly. I am sure a 6mm bullet well placed would kill one but guides with the experience have seen that it is not sufficient for most people to get the job done quickly. If youve ever tried going though that brush you would agree tracking, dragging an animal or just walking is a pain in the rear. The risk is shooting an animal that goes in a choked out hell hole and you never find it because they do not bleed well and can travel far after being hit. That risk is increased by using a traditional bow. To each his own.
There is a deer guide in Maine. Deep woods of Maine. Big guns only, like .30-06 & bigger. I laughed. I shoot deer with my .243. I can spend hours at the range with my .243. Let me see you spend hours at the range with a 300 superduper short mag.
The place I've hunted on the king ranch requires at least 30 cal. They prefer a 300 win mag or better. 30-06 if they know you're a decent shot. I've never asked about 308.

But they've also set up archers on water and dung piles. As long as they have the right equipment and demonstrate some minimum proficiency and reasonable common sense.

This one got a 45-70 to the vitals and didn't go far. Not on the wall because its a buddy's and I'm just storing it.

Lots of those guides that are saying it can’t be done are full of it. It’s just easier for them to drive you around than it is for them to get you in position for a shot with archery gear. I’ve killed two with my bow and 3 more with a rifle. Shoot them in the ear hole with any caliber and they go down. Or in the white spot under the chin and they go down. Spot and stalk hunting them is the only way to do it I think. Archery is tough but it absolutely can be done. In my opinion sitting in a blind is no way to hunt them, get out there amongst them.
Lots of those guides that are saying it can’t be done are full of it. It’s just easier for them to drive you around than it is for them to get you in position for a shot with archery gear. I’ve killed two with my bow and 3 more with a rifle. Shoot them in the ear hole with any caliber and they go down. Or in the white spot under the chin and they go down. Spot and stalk hunting them is the only way to do it I think. Archery is tough but it absolutely can be done. In my opinion sitting in a blind is no way to hunt them, get out there amongst them.
This fella knows what he's talking about! I hunted them for 5 years on the King Ranch back in the 90's and early 2000's, (Archery Only) Spot and Stalk is the only way to go, stay in the oaks, and look for them down in the Mesquite draws...they feed under the Mesquites, then you can slip in on them for a shot. I hunted with a guy down there that made custom recurves, if I remember correctly, he had killed like 10 or 12 with a recurve.
There is a deer guide in Maine. Deep woods of Maine. Big guns only, like .30-06 & bigger. I laughed. I shoot deer with my .243. I can spend hours at the range with my .243. Let me see you spend hours at the range with a 300 superduper short mag.

The deep woods of Maine don't just hold deer. They want you to have something bigger for BooBoo.
Have you seen the 2014 movie BACKCOUNTRY? It's a true story.
TPWD states a .40 cal muzzleloader or larger, or a centerfire rifle. That being said, I’ve heard a few guys say .300 Win Mag should be plenty
One thing I have learned is that in Texas, they prefer to drive around looking for game they can drive up to, shoot, load into a vehicle and haul away. The notion of quartering and packing an animal out of a heavily wooded area with no vehicle access is downright nutty to them. They don't understand the mind and ways of a true western spot & stalk hunter. So that is my plan, get away from the roads and still hunt the deep timber where the herds feel safer, where there is cover and there is no "normal" hunting pressure. Seems like a logical approach anyway. Not beating up on Texans, just noticed some cultural differences that I believe will serve me down south.
Indeed, that’s how it happens sometimes. But you also have to consider, it’s challenging to spot and stalk through South TX brush country, or the East TX Piney Woods. Ain‘t right or wrong, just different.