Wyoming Corner Crossing, LEGAL!

I wonder what it would cost a guy to hire a surveyor to go out and place a single corner pin. Might be worth the trouble depending on the location.
As far as a LO moving a corner pin, I have been told that in KY at least, that is a felony. If a corner pin is moved for any reason no one but a licensed surveyor is allowed to put it back in place.
Probably not legal to do this on any public land, i.e. disturbing soil without a permit
It would be as legal as doing anything else on public land, unless a state has specific rules against surveying state land. We regularly survey fed and state land boundaries in the oil field.

In a checkerboard scenario, the survey is of a boundary between private and public land, and any private owner is entitled to have his boundary surveyed. Therefore, if a hunter wants to know where boundary corners are, the landowner may not object to a free survey of his property. Or the owner could hire his own surveyor who may confirm or refute the hunter's surveyor. (Dueling surveyors...fun!)

In my experience, government generally will not get involved unless they have a good reason, such as a fencing project or a controversy. Even then, they tend to defer to previous surveys unless they have good reason not to.