I have always thought of bonus points as either 1. additional names in the hat (5 bonus points, 5 times in the hat), or 2. squaring (if you have 5 bonus points, then your name goes into the hat 25 times). I wonder what they have in mind when they say "weighted"? Is that just a general phrasing which implies that the more you have, the better (which seems obvious anyway), or is there some other formula commonly used different from either of the 2 systems I outlined above that is known as "weighted"?
South Dakota went to bonus points, it was the idea to help manage our elk herd. After awhile the people at the top bitched and got a weighted system put in place with certain percentages of tags going to point blocks; >2, 3-10, >10, or however it was, that's close.
Then a few years ago the people at the top, many of whom have had several South Dakota elk tags over the years bitched again and despite massive numbers of people pointing out how unfair it would be SDGFP made the decision to cube our D, E, and A points. Now for other stuff it really doesn't matter, but for elk it created this enormously unfair situation. We have so few tags, and so many double digit point holders that someone starting out now has almost no chance of catching up.
People are now burning their points on cow tags because the reality of never drawing a bull tag is setting in.