Heading to Wyoming for pronghorns in Oct. but would like to bring my GSP and shotgun along and hunt some birds while I'm out there. She is only a year old but training is going well and she is ready for some real hunting. I am brand new to upland hunting and could use some advise especially when it comes to the grouse and partridge species which I don't really have around me. We have pheasants and limited quail where I'm at. Looks like Sage grouse and Pheasants wont be open while I'm there but the other grouse species, chukars, and huns are open. I will be staying on the east side of the state in Lusk and driving a bit to Casper area to fill a doe tag as well. What game birds will I find in these areas and in what kind of terrain/elevations are they at? Any help would be appreciated.