Did that angst come about with quail a lot more than grouse?
The impetus to this is a desire to hunt more, and even between my tags,
@KickinNDishin 's tags, my stepdad, and my brother, I still found myself hoping someone would text me to pack out meet or sit behind my spotter. I went to JUCO in Colby, KS and we hunted roosters a lot, but I haven't since. We had ambitions to fly fish in different states every other weekend before our son was born, and now we think bird hunting behind this mutt-pup would be a fun way to hunt many states without paying for big game tags.
That's a long way of saying, I don't know that I would want to shoot at a bird that the dog doesn't point. The excitement for me is doing the team thing. I did go out a few weeks ago to KS with
@Ucsdryder and some other friends with dogs, and one pointed a covey of quail right next to me. A dozen flushed, and then 30s more some more, and then the same again. I can see wanting a lot of shots lined up in that scenario, for the blue grouse I envision in elk country CO, I think I'd be lucky to two bang.
I agree that "fit" is paramount. My fear with the gun store fit check is what
@Sanchez describes with his M2. Hopefully I can get out with
@Hnthrdr 's Affinity before the one on here is sold.