2023 M2 / Montefeltro / Affinity

Did that angst come about with quail a lot more than grouse?

Oh yea:ROFLMAO: Being able to thumb another shell into the tube while having the gun up or at the ready made a big difference

Hunting without a dog is a different experience. Its only mountain quail around here, 50/50 chance on if they fly or just run. 15 birds is a pretty big covey
Oh yea:ROFLMAO: Being able to thumb another shell into the tube while having the gun up or at the ready made a big difference

Hunting without a dog is a different experience. Its only mountain quail around here, 50/50 chance on if they fly or just run. 15 birds is a pretty big covey
I had no desire to shoot at them. The first flush I asked my friend if they were quail, and then said "oh neat", then I just stood there and let the others flush. I didn't think #4 shot from IM would leave much if I did whack one, and I also didn't think I had a chance in so close.
my wife used to have a 20 ga montefeltro, the unique design of the shell carrier produced benelli thumb for her and everyone else with a thumb smaller than a 20 ga shell. if they haven't fixed that issue i'd look elsewhere.
Did that angst come about with quail a lot more than grouse?

The impetus to this is a desire to hunt more, and even between my tags, @KickinNDishin 's tags, my stepdad, and my brother, I still found myself hoping someone would text me to pack out meet or sit behind my spotter. I went to JUCO in Colby, KS and we hunted roosters a lot, but I haven't since. We had ambitions to fly fish in different states every other weekend before our son was born, and now we think bird hunting behind this mutt-pup would be a fun way to hunt many states without paying for big game tags.

That's a long way of saying, I don't know that I would want to shoot at a bird that the dog doesn't point. The excitement for me is doing the team thing. I did go out a few weeks ago to KS with @Ucsdryder and some other friends with dogs, and one pointed a covey of quail right next to me. A dozen flushed, and then 30s more some more, and then the same again. I can see wanting a lot of shots lined up in that scenario, for the blue grouse I envision in elk country CO, I think I'd be lucky to two bang.

I agree that "fit" is paramount. My fear with the gun store fit check is what @Sanchez describes with his M2. Hopefully I can get out with @Hnthrdr 's Affinity before the one on here is sold.
Those roosters are still haunting my dreams…
I had no desire to shoot at them. The first flush I asked my friend if they were quail, and then said "oh neat", then I just stood there and let the others flush. I didn't think #4 shot from IM would leave much if I did whack one, and I also didn't think I had a chance in so close.

In a field with a dog would be a bit different.

I run a 20ga with modified choke and #6 shot. Pretty much spot shooting at them, not alot of time to watch them fly or ride the bird......Unless they are out of range, then those SOB's all lift off at once, set their wings and just glide straight away.

I bet if you got into the middle of a covey in the timber, with one or two birds rocketing off every so often, you might have different feelings on it. Gets your blood pumping for sure.

I switched to a 20ga and it was pretty noticeable how much easier it is on birds compared to a 12ga
I find that either Benelli M2 or various Affinitys have worked fine after tweaking them with the associated shims. I prefer a higher rib and both have those. My son has been knocking roosters dead with 3" #5 20 gauge loads and I do the same but with 2 3/4 12 gauge. If doing it again I'd go 20 and not look back.

I'd borrow a couple and shoot them to see what floats your boat.
I bought a Montefeltro in 2022. Couldn’t hit anything with that low rib. Sold it and bought a new M2 in November. I am extremely happy with the M2. Both were 26” 12 gauge.
I bought a Montefeltro in 2022. Couldn’t hit anything with that low rib. Sold it and bought a new M2 in November. I am extremely happy with the M2. Both were 26” 12 gauge.
Did you ever pattern either?

I ended up buying an affinity off of here. I handled an affinity and ultralight (low rib also) side by side, and surprisingly I didn't notice an alignment difference between them in store. I'm concluding they are a lot like bows where one can spec sheet things to death but you never know until you shoot them for a fair bit of time.
Did you ever pattern either?

I ended up buying an affinity off of here. I handled an affinity and ultralight (low rib also) side by side, and surprisingly I didn't notice an alignment difference between them in store. I'm concluding they are a lot like bows where one can spec sheet things to death but you never know until you shoot them for a fair bit of time.
I did pattern them. That’s when I realized the low rib was really the issue. The Montefeltro (at least in 2022) did not come with shims. I could not get the stock dropped enough. The M2 shoots where I aim. No adjustments needed since it has the high rib. Side note…I do not shoot factory chokes. I use TruLock extended chokes.