Now I fully subscribe to the let's work together mentality for residents and NR so we don't all get screwed over by outfitters and politicians. But let's look at this with some honesty.
If a guy only wants residency he doesn't need a 600k house. He needs an address where he spends some time, he needs to license his vehicles at that address, and get his mail sent there. On top of that he needs to claim Wyoming as his state of residency when filing taxes. . . People aren't monitoring your home. If you're retired you're expected to travel. Hell your expected to snow bird. Now all of that said you're look at this all wrong from a NR perspective. We already camp out or rent hotels to hunt, we already drive long distances.
So instead of Laramie, lander, Sheridan,. Think Torrington, lusk, Evanston, rock springs. All places where $250,000 will buy you plenty of house and you could get a place to stay for 100-150k. Right now I could buy a 2bd 1 bath in rock springs for 100k. Even if it needs 20k in work. I could rent it out and throw some cash at it and have it paid for in 10 years. Then I'm home free in retirement. Not saying I will but my wife and I want to own an RV for 7 or 8 years in early retirement to travel the US. Having a Wyoming address would be pretty easy during that time even if we still owned a home in Nebraska. Not to mention the tax benefits of calling Wyoming our home state.
It's not something tons of people will do, but if hunting gets hard enough to do, there are plenty of people with the means to do so!