Guy I work with lives in Story, when the wind took his steel roof off his house it tookparts of the rafters with it.
I moved here from northern Wisconsin, it's colder there, but the wind, you can take it or you can't. I'm not joking I have had coworkers and neighbors literally leave with little to no notice because they just can't take working outside day after day in 60, 70, 80 mph winds anymore. There's days where you have to where goggles to keep the blow sand out of your eyes.
If you want to move here, have at it, I did, but don't over commit yourself. I really don't know what the rate of people moving here and actually staying more than a few years is, but I'd seriously bet it's less than 50%.
You have to remember, hunting season only last a little while, then your back to everyday life.
Personally I think my wife and me will likely end up moving once we got mid 60s. Like to be somewhere a little warmer, with a lot more fishing options, but the Antelope, deer, and elk will do for now.