Wyo Special Apps are down in #’s

I feel like the odds in the "Special General" will be better but then you have to parse through the three regions. According to GoHunt odds were 11% for a special general last year 2023 on the random side of the draw. I'd be surprised if the random odds in the western and southern regions improved a whole lot, maybe it goes to 15% but to get to 20% or 1 out of 5 chance, basically half of the applicants that applied in the special general last year would have to drop out... I don't see that happening. I think I explained my thoughts correctly...
Did the author post what the actual dip was? Or just that there was one? It'd be nice to see last year was x applications, this year is y.
I would happily pay 2k for elk tag, however it has to get me onto some primo ground. I am not paying 2 k for a run of mill general tag or even LE that I can draw in even 6 or 8 years. Same goes for 1200 Lope tag, not happening. I have to many other options still at this point
I bet close to 70% more applicants in the reg draw this year. Point creep will be outrageous. Makes no sense to say it "stayed the same", just because the price didnt increase. You think all those "special" applicants just went away? Not another elk tag in the west that costs 2k either.
I should’ve been more clear. The price stayed the same. I agree the drawing odds are going to take a dive in the regular draw. It is what it is at this point.
It’s not going back and more states are probably going to follow and raise the prices. Reality is if you’re going to want to hunt elk in the Wyoming more than a couple times in your lifetime you’re going to be paying the special fee. Soon the days of drawing a general tag with 5 points is gonna look like the good old days.
Now, now children.

I really wish I could read actual conversations without the keyboard hero nonsense. But thats a waste of wishes.

As for actual discussion. This WY change is just the latest in a trend that has been talked about some, but accelerated lately. Game and fish departments have to pay for themselves to a significant degree. They understand basic supply and demand. Demand for elk/deer tags in western states is skyrocketing, so it will absorb a ton of additional price. This isnt even close to the ceiling. People pay 10k plus for tags all the time. I do worry that we have forgotten that these are supposed to be public trust animals, and we are making the systems inaccessible for the general public. I personally believe we are so screwed at this point that it cannot be sustained or fixed. We are out organized and outfunded. Hunting will be a memory in 20-30 years.
Ok but at the same time why not create multiple levels to try and provide multiple avenues to apply? Would a single pool, random draw be better? Probably, but people would still complain. Perhaps they are trying to provide an way to get high point holders out of the pool with the special, or it's outfitter welfare. Either way it's not the only way.

You have reduced price, full price, special price. Don't want to pay 2k? Don't. You don't have to. Pay 288 for a cow ELK tag. Want to hunt bulls, pay 700, that's on par with other states.

Everyone throws out the 2k number as if they're required to put in it. You don't have to.
A good friend of mine applied in the Special.
He said he doesn’t have that many more elk hunts left and wants to go at every opportunity he can.

I bet we’ll all get to that point, especially if you like elk hunting.
I agree. Many of my older friends have reached a point in their life where they realize they are more likely to run out of time before they run out of money. When I reach that point in my life I won't think twice about paying 2k for a WY elk tag.
I would happily pay 2k for elk tag, however it has to get me onto some primo ground. I am not paying 2 k for a run of mill general tag or even LE that I can draw in even 6 or 8 years. Same goes for 1200 Lope tag, not happening. I have to many other options still at this point
In the big picture as compared to other states I would not consider a general license run of the mill if you have a little experience there. You can’t expect to get the most out of a license if you go into an area basically blind. But even if you do in, you are a decent elk hunter you should have as good or better elk hunting than anywhere. My first Hunt in the Wyoming general area was interesting. It was a rifle hunt. October 15. Bull bugling everywhere and killed a six point within 30 minutes of sunrise. Never saw the area before. Yes that was a fluke. But I have killed elk in the same area for 10 years in a row since then.
A good friend of mine applied in the Special.
He said he doesn’t have that many more elk hunts left and wants to go at every opportunity he can.

I bet we’ll all get to that point, especially if you like elk hunting.
Thats my way of thinking towards Alaska big game hunts. My body is gonna break before my wallet. Go like hell while I can.

" There is no luggage rack on a hearse"
By no means destitute, and really enjoy hunting Wyoming, but when you add up all the associated costs for this is it really worth it. As glockster stated NR rates are not sustainable especially with the current inflation on everything. The ones who will feel the fall out perhaps is the outfitters, then the supporting business types, restaurants, hotels, convivence stores. The country is going broke and the states right along with it.
I am almost certain the outfitters wanted the price increase, it would give them more business because their clients (the one's willing to pay) can get tags easier and more often.