All AZ and UT Elk points are bonus points which absolutely helps in the bonus pass; 10 chances at a low number vs 1 is always better. With the 20% and 50% set asides, a max point guy for his specific unit is absolutely guaranteed to draw the tag. In both those states, I've had an advantage over lesser point apps in the random side, which I'll take any day over a straight random draw.
I have never been "on the ground floor" of any state draw system and have drawn Utah Elk from the bonus pass, and will draw my 2nd AZ Elk tag in the bonus pass next week. I will draw my 2nd UT Elk tag in a few years, after riding the pine with their 5 year wait period.
I believe WY will be heading to bonus points for Sheep and Moose or changing the NR splits to 50/50. either would be good.