Wyo Special Apps are down in #’s

There isn’t a ton of difference between bonus points systems and a preference points system with a random component. I don’t value one over the other or waste time arguing the minutiae of difference.
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Any points are a ponzi scheme but bonus points are worse.
Bonus point system are a fix for the guys just getting in complaining they will never draw a tag.

preference point with random component will ALWAYS be better then a bonus point system. you get the random chance to draw a tag likely similiar to chances in a bonus point draw and the guys that have invested longer get better odds through a prefernace point system. What needs to happen any tag burns points for that species.
Soooo you have a lot of preference points?

Bonus point draws are random. You just get more entries with more points.

Preference points will ALWAYS be worse than bonus points.

Did I win? Lol
Definitely like Utah hybrid system, half the tags are preference and half are bonus. The only time preference points systems the best is if you got in one the ground floor and then you can pretty much predict when you are going to draw. Bonus point systems just plain suck. Washington is the bonus point system and I have been putting in for MSG tags for close to 30 years and my odds of drawing any of those tags is less than .5%. Probably would have drawn by now if they still required the tag fee upfront.
Soooo you have a lot of preference points?

Bonus point draws are random. You just get more entries with more points.

Preference points will ALWAYS be worse than bonus points.

Did I win? Lol
I only have a few in colorado everywhere else I try and use them as often as I can.

If the state started out as a bonus point system you know the risk you may never draw ever in your life yet you are paying a set amount for that point that supposedly gives you a advantage

I have benefitted from a bonus point system and drew a tag my first year applying and there where guys with max points that didn't get the tag but I still think it's trash. Utah system would be much better if they did 50 preferance and 50 random no points. At some point a bonus point will be so filled with the middle point holder that statistically they've will draw more tags then the guys with double there points how is that better. And then what's the change after that?

Guess I will just have to agree to disagree

Lucky to live in wyoming so everything is random except sheep and moose and those are a preferance with random component thankfully and I have very low point numbers for those 2
Lucky to live in wyoming so everything is random except sheep and moose and those are a preferance with random component thankfully and I have very low point numbers for those 2
Ya and due to preference points sucking, even the "lucky" residents have to hope for a random tag, which is a fraction of the allotted tags.

It feels like NR's believe residents draw everything every year. I've drawn a total of 2 LE elk tags in 12yrs. 0 LE mule deer tags and I think 6 buck antelope tags. I will never draw sheep or moose on points so have to hope for a random. Not a sob story, just a reality check for those that are out of touch with reality.
I have benefitted from a bonus point system and drew a tag my first year applying and there where guys with max points that didn't get the tag
Same thing can be said for a pure random draw. Some guys draw first time, some draw numerous times, some never draw. Nothing is perfect. I like the fact that states are different. Lets you play a variety of games rather than just luck or points.
All AZ and UT Elk points are bonus points which absolutely helps in the bonus pass; 10 chances at a low number vs 1 is always better. With the 20% and 50% set asides, a max point guy for his specific unit is absolutely guaranteed to draw the tag. In both those states, I've had an advantage over lesser point apps in the random side, which I'll take any day over a straight random draw.
I have never been "on the ground floor" of any state draw system and have drawn Utah Elk from the bonus pass, and will draw my 2nd AZ Elk tag in the bonus pass next week. I will draw my 2nd UT Elk tag in a few years, after riding the pine with their 5 year wait period.
I believe WY will be heading to bonus points for Sheep and Moose or changing the NR splits to 50/50. either would be good.
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All AZ and UT Elk points are bonus points which absolutely helps in the bonus pass; 10 chances at a low number vs 1 is always better. With the 20% and 50% set asides, a max point guy for his specific unit is absolutely guaranteed to draw the tag. In both those states, I've had an advantage over lesser point apps in the random side, which I'll take any day over a straight random draw.
I have never been "on the ground floor" of any state draw system and have drawn Utah Elk from the bonus pass, and will draw my 2nd AZ Elk tag in the bonus pass next week. I will draw my 2nd UT Elk tag in a few years, after riding the pine with their 5 year wait period.
I believe WY will be heading to bonus points for Sheep and Moose or changing the NR splits to 50/50. either would be good.
Random is way better then a modified bonus point system also.

It's been good to me in wyoming as a resident. Also have had good luck in idaho with the random draw. Had nothing but not selected on most of the washington bonus tags I have tried to get except a few over 20 years left lots of points in that state trying to get so called easy to draw tags
Ya and due to preference points sucking, even the "lucky" residents have to hope for a random tag, which is a fraction of the allotted tags.

It feels like NR's believe residents draw everything every year. I've drawn a total of 2 LE elk tags in 12yrs. 0 LE mule deer tags and I think 6 buck antelope tags. I will never draw sheep or moose on points so have to hope for a random. Not a sob story, just a reality check for those that are out of touch with reality.

You can get a Region G tag at Wal-Mart every year.

The general elk tag you buy as an afterthought people are going to burn 7 points on.
You can get a Region G tag at Wal-Mart every year.

The general elk tag you buy as an afterthought people are going to burn 7 points on.
And most NR's would complain about both if they "had" to hunt those tags....not "good enough" for their standards

The point I was making was residents don't draw LE tags every year.
And most NR's would complain about both if they "had" to hunt those tags....not "good enough" for their standards

The point I was making was residents don't draw LE tags every year.

To my knowledge, Region G is one of the most coveted deer tags in the country.

I’ve never met anyone that complained about general elk. Maybe they are out there. I’m moving to Wyoming for a few of those.
All AZ and UT Elk points are bonus points which absolutely helps in the bonus pass; 10 chances at a low number vs 1 is always better. With the 20% and 50% set asides, a max point guy for his specific unit is absolutely guaranteed to draw the tag. In both those states, I've had an advantage over lesser point apps in the random side, which I'll take any day over a straight random draw.
I have never been "on the ground floor" of any state draw system and have drawn Utah Elk from the bonus pass, and will draw my 2nd AZ Elk tag in the bonus pass next week. I will draw my 2nd UT Elk tag in a few years, after riding the pine with their 5 year wait period.
I believe WY will be heading to bonus points for Sheep and Moose or changing the NR splits to 50/50. either would be good.
Bob - you are exactly correct on all accounts. Probably useful to share your age with the audience and number of years you’ve laying the points game. :)