
2 min AMRAP, rest 1 min between each

100m run
Max effort wall balls 20#

100mg run
Max effort KBS 53#

100m run
Max effort goblet squats 53#

100m run
max effort sit ups

I finished off with 8 miles on the Assault bike.
Go back after work and try to get 20 more miles on the bike
Tiny Elvis and I got in 3 miles before the sun was up; still smokey with the fires around

mtwarden are you running all those miles, hiking, or a combination of the two?

both- my trail running miles seem to be about double what my hiking miles are; when I go with Tiny E (or wife) they're always hiking miles :)
"The Seven"
7 rounds
7 hand stand push ups
7 thrusters 135#
7 knees 2 elbows
7 deadlift 245#
7 burpees
7 KBS 70#
7 pull ups

That is one mean SOB
beautiful morning here, most of the smoke cleared and a nice 58 degrees at the trailhead- Tiny E and I got 3-ish miles in
30-20-10 reps of:

pull up ( c2b if you can )

calorie row



3 sets of:

power clean+hang squat clean+2 jerks

3 sets of:

power clean+front squat+jerk


EMOM for 20 minutes of:

2 power cleans+1 jerk
10 min EMOM
1 power clean 1 hang clean and jerk

14 min AMRAP
8 clean and jerk 135#
40 feet OH plate lunge 45#
40 double unders
rest 1 min after every round
squeezed in a 5 mile run after work- this is the first evening I've been able to run in over a month (75 degrees); this past July was the second warmest on record (I think records go back 130 years)