
for time:

15 front squats 95/65

400m run

20 power cleans 95/65

200m run

20 power cleans

400m run

15 front squats
18 Min Clean and Jerk EMOM (Full squat on each one)

6 min
High hang clean and jerk
6 min
Hang clean and jerk
Full clean and jerk

4 min
100m Farmer Carry 70#
20 cal row
Max burpees
rest 1min
4 min
100m Farmer Carry 70#
20cal row
Max Toes 2 bar
rest 1min
4 min
100m Farmer Carry 70#
20 cal row
Max wall balls 30#
Deadlift 5 x 5

Then, for time...

400m run

30 box jumps 24"

40 wall balls 20lb to 10'

30 box jumps 24"

400m run
30 mins upper body weights

3x10 bench
3x12 dumbbell rows
3x10 lat pulldowns
3x10 shoulder press w/ dumbbells
3x10 incline dumbbell press
2x10 straight arm pulldowns
5 each arm cable upright shoulder pulls

Then w/ 40lb pack
Stadiums stairs for 20 straight minutes then two brisk cooldown laps around the track.
Take 15-20 minutes and build to a heavy 3-RM Deadlift
5 X 3

Complete rounds of 15, 12 and 9 reps for time of:
Deadlift (1.25 x bodyweight for males/bodyweight for females)
"Filthy Fifty"
50 box jumps 24"
50 jumping pull ups
50 KBS 53#
50 walking lunges
50 knees 2 elbows
50 push press 45#
50 back hyperextensions
50 wall balls 20#
50 burpees
50 double unders
with a 13 minute clock:

2k row

AMRAP in time remaining of:

50 double unders

25 wall balls 30/20


7 sets of:

power clean+hang power clean+2 push jerks


EMOM for 20 minutes:

power clean+hang power clean+jerk
24kg kettle bell
TGU each side, warm up
2 sets each side 15 one arm swings
2 sets each side 12 one arm swings
5 pull-ups
15 sumo squats
12 push-ups
5 shoulder halos each direction
15 sumo squats
5 chin ups
8 goblet squats ass to heels
12 push-ups
10 each side, one arm swings

18.5 minutes and I was toast. Love kb's
Last edited:
Treat Cindy as an EMOM, one round every minute on the minute, bam 20 rounds.
Way to many people smoke themselves going too fast too early.
7 Rounds for time, rest 1 min between rounds
30 double unders
12 deadlift @ 155#
9 Hang cleans @ 155#
6 shoulder to OH 155#
12 calorie bike

That escalated quickly


Hard and fast almost no rest 24kg kettle bell workout fasted.

20 arm swings each side
5 pull ups
15 sumo squats
15 push-ups
10 high pulls each side
15 sumo squats
5 chin ups
15 push-ups
10 goblet squats
5 shoulder halos each side
5 pull ups
15 push-ups
8 high pulls each side
10 goblet squats
Is there some resource that explains all the damn acronyms? AMRAP, EMOM etc...

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