

Was hoping for more, but happy considering it was an improvement and am on the tail end of a cold!
Felt like ass half way through those wall balls and the row took a lot longer than it should have
my longest run of the year thus far, 17-ish miles w/ about 3600' of gain- I'm a wee bit sore :4: the weather was unbelievable, temps in the low 60's!!!! had to fight a little snow here and there, but nothing too bad




6.5 miles in the mountains; gives me 40 miles for the week and 10,000' of gain- that's a pretty good week :)
strength training yesterday evening

squats 3x5
bench 3x5
overhead press 3x5
dips (weighted) 3x15
pullups 3x11
4.5 miles on the trails with some strides thrown in for good measure- weather is perfect for running, temps in the low 50's with little to no wind
90 Double Unders
9 ring rows
9 ring dips
9 squat clean thrusters 50# dumbbells
80 double unders
8 ring rows
8 ring dips
8 squat clean thrusters
70 double unders
7 ring rows
7 ring dips
7squat clean thrusters

I didn't think this looked bad, it was horrible.
AMRAP in 12 minutes of:

50 double unders

30 walking lunges

10 t2b


3 sets of:

squat snatch+power snatch+ohs

3 sets of:

snatch+hang squat snatch


EMOM for 20 minutes:

squat snatch+hang squat snatch
^ thrusters are tough!

4.5 miles on the trails; glorious weather is holding- about 50 degrees w/ just a slight breeze
strength training today

20 sets of 20 pushups, 20 situps and 5 pullups- the first ten sets I got done in just under 15 minutes, the next ten sets took 22 minutes