
8 minute Working Window: Gymnastics Pulling
Those who have MUs, 4 sets of 65% of Max

“Fuller Circle”
800m Run / 70/50 Calorie Bike
125 Double-unders
2,000m Row
125 Double-unders
800m Run / 70/50 Calorie Bike

We ended up doing the bike today since it was a little icy out. I ended up on the janky ass airdyne that has a loose crank and only counts calories half the time, lol
20 min running clock
1 minute to finish each exercise, start the next at top of every minute

15 cal row
15 wall balls 30#
10 cal assault bike
10 toes to bar
strength training this evening

squats 3x5
bench 3x5
overhead press 3x5
dips 3x25
pullups 3x10
3 rounds of:

40 walking lunges

30 DB snatch 50/35

20 box jumps 24/20


3 sets of:

power snatch+squat snatch+ohs

3 sets of:

squat snatch+hang snatch


EMOM for 16 minutes:

squat snatch+hang squat snatch+ohs
Keep forgetting to add that I have been hitting the range each morning and letting loose 30-50 arrows before hitting the gym.

“Wise Men”
3 Power Cleans (135/95#)
3 Front Squats (135/95#)
3 Push Jerks (135/95#)
Rest 3:00
3 Power Cleans(155/105#)
3 Front Squats(155/105#)
3 Push Jerks (155/105#)
Rest 3:00
3 Power Cleans (185/135#)
3 Front Squats (185/135#)
3 Push Jerks (185/135#)

Performance Care
3 Rounds
100 Ft Single Arm Overhead DB/KB Carry
50 Ft. Walking Lunges with DB/KB in Front Rack
Find 1 rep max split jerk

21 Deadlift 245#
15 Over bar burpees
9 muscle ups

Quick one today. Not a big fan of these types of workouts.
about 5.5 miles on the trails; some of the trails (south and west facing slopes) are starting to free themselves of snow :)

little over 6 miles on the trails- this area had a little more snow, just a few areas cleared of snow

I didn't finish it. I got through all the snatches and didn't finish the last 15 burpees. I'm not doing it again, no way I'll find the time to finish. I struggle with the burpees. The snatches weren't bad.
I got in 12 miles today- temps weren't too bad (mid 20's), but w/ 15-20 mph winds made it a wee bit chilly. The trails were a little challenging as well- lots of foot print post holes that are now frozen solid- a good recipe for an ankle strain/sprain.
