
I haven't done "Murph" in a long (long) time, so figured I'd give it a go

1 mile run

300 air squats
200 pushups
100 pullups

1 mile run

39:55 not too bad, runs weren't all that blazing as I'm just getting over a cold

the good news is my shoulder is back to normal after about a three week injury
I haven't done "Murph" in a long (long) time, so figured I'd give it a go

1 mile run

300 air squats
200 pushups
100 pullups

1 mile run

39:55 not too bad, runs weren't all that blazing as I'm just getting over a cold

the good news is my shoulder is back to normal after about a three week injury
100 pullups!! WTF. How do you do that?

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you can break up the exercises any way you want- I do sets of 20 (15 squats, then 10 pushups, then 5 pullups, repeat)- the squats, pushups aren't bad- the last couple sets of pullups get a wee rough :D
you can break up the exercises any way you want- I do sets of 20 (15 squats, then 10 pushups, then 5 pullups, repeat)- the squats, pushups aren't bad- the last couple sets of pullups get a wee rough :D
Ahhh! OK. Sweet. Solid workout congrats!

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
it would be something to do 100 pullups unbroken- the most I've managed was a little over 20 and that was some time ago :)
Double Under Practice

“Jackie” (beat my old score by over 1-minute! Was able to burn through sets of Pullups instead of a bunch of Singles this time around)
1,000m Row
50 Thrusters (45/35#)
30 Pull-ups

Core Work
4x:30 Hollow Rock Hold
4x:30 Superman Hold
3x10 V-Ups or 3x15 Tuck Crunches

Our damn warm-up this morning was basically a workout....
3 rounds
10 Shuttle Jogs
10 Burpees
10 Wallballs.
6 miles on some challenging trails- stretches of frozen potholes where folks had gone through when the snow was soft- keeps you on your toes!
" Tommy V"

for time:

21 thrusters 115/85

12 rope ascents 15ft.

15 thrusters

9 rope ascents

9 thrusters

6 rope ascents
Deadlift (225/155#)
Handstand Push-ups

Rowing Sprints for Calories
:20 on/:40 off

We actually did the Cashout before the WOD today. Followed up with barbell smashing after rowing.
100 double unders
5 rounds
10 dumbbell deadlift 50#
10 dumbbell squats 50#
10 hand stand push ups
100 double unders

1 mile on assault bike as fast as you can ride it
EMOM for 20 minutes:

1 snatch


12 minutes to establish a heavy

power clean+push jerk


EMOM for 20 minutes:

2 power cleans @ 80%