
5.5 miles in some very challenging snow- all the south and west facing slopes are getting sloppy and full of postholing spots- not complaining mind you, the fact that we might have seen the last of below zero weather is great :)
Every 2 min for 8 min
5 front squats at 80% of 1 rep max

5 rounds
5 power clean at 165#
10 box jumps
15 burpees
20 double unders
4 rounds of:

400m run

10 front squats 135/95

Going to 6 days a week and upping protein to 180-200 grams/day, was at 130-150 grams/day. We'll see how the workouts and recovery goes.
crossfit question, when you guys are writing weights w/ a slash ie 135/95 is that the called for weight male/female or if you can no longer complete reps you drop down in weight? or something all together different? :D
It is the called for weight male/female.

You should be able to complete the full workout at the weight you start with. If it is going to be too heavy for you to finish drop it at the start to something you think you can handle all the way through. You should also be able to complete the work in a reasonable amount of time. If you are standing over a bar for 30 seconds between reps even though you may complete it you aren't getting much benefit there.
It is the called for weight male/female.

You should be able to complete the full workout at the weight you start with. If it is going to be too heavy for you to finish drop it at the start to something you think you can handle all the way through. You should also be able to complete the work in a reasonable amount of time. If you are standing over a bar for 30 seconds between reps even though you may complete it you aren't getting much benefit there.

Male Female
Quickly work to a heavy Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + OHS

50 Wallballs (20/14#)
40 Calorie Row
30 Squat Cleans (115/80#)
20 C2B Pull-ups
challenging trail conditions this evening with temps in the low 40's- little bit of everything- packed snow, ice, slush and even a little mud here and there

5.5 miles
Max efffort chest 2 bar pull ups, rest 90 seconds and repeat

9 min AMRAP
30 double unders
3 dumbbell thrusters 50# DB's
30 double unders
6 DB thrusters
30 double unders
9 DB thrusters
30 double unders
12 DB thrusters
30 double unders
15 DB thrusters
30 double unders
18 DB thrusters
5-ish mile run with some good gain :)

As far as you can in 12 minutes:

12 thrusters 75/55

12 bar facing burpees

12 thrusters 95/65

12 bar facing burpees

12 thrusters 115/85

12 bar facing burpees

12 thrusters 135/95

12 bar facing burpees

12 thrusters 155/105

12 bar facing burpees

12 thrusters 185/125

12 bar facing burpees

12 thrusters 205/145

12 bar facing burpees
Mock Oly Meet
12 Minutes to Warm Up to Snatch
then Every Other Minute for 3 Attempts
(Missed a PR! Caught it and rushed it standing up.)

12 Minutes to Warm Up to Clean & Jerk (Hit a PR!)
then EOMOM for 3 Attempts

Core Work
3 sets of Max Effort Strict TTB or Leg Raises
3x:45 Weighted Plank
12 min AMRAP
6 hang clean 165#
9 hand stand push ups
12 chest to bar pullups

Cash out, 1 minute each running clock
One arm plank L
One arm plank R
Glute raise
1 legged glute raise L
1 legged glute raise R
Glute raise
One arm plank L
One arm plank R