
We did murph today. I did it without a weighted vest bud did every rep and finished in 52:12. I was happy with that time

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Squat clean 95#
Double unders
Deadlift 185#
Box jumps

Start every round with a 50 foot bear crawl
"Dae Han"

3 rounds
800 meter run carry 45# weight
3 rope climbs
12 thrusters 135#

I carried a 60# sandbag instead of the 45# weight
12 min EMOM
3 power snatches

60 wall ball 20#
50 cal bike
40 box jumps 24"
30 GHD situps
20 chest 2 bar pullups
10 burpees
20 pull ups
30 GHD sit ups
40 box jumps
50 cal bike
60 wall balls
10 min EMOM
1 squat snatch
2 OH squats

3 Rounds
15 power snatch 75#
20 thrusters 75#
60 double unders

I rowed 2K after the WOD
Run 1 mile
5 muscle ups
25 power cleans 115#
4 muscle ups
20 power cleans
3 muscle ups
15 power cleans
2 muscle ups
Row 2K
Power clean 5 sets of three work to 80% of 1 rep max. Touch n go, no dropping the bar.

Tabata style, 8 rounds of each, work 20s rest 10 sec. 1 minute break between exercises

Hang Clean 155#
Bike for calories
Hands up push ups
KBS 70#
Last night we just lifted. Work up to a heavy or 1 rep max on bench, squat, and deadlift.

Squat clean, work up to a heavy set

Calories stationary bike
Chest to bar pullups
12 min EMOM Squat Cleans

Min 1-4 3 per minute

Min 4-8
2 per minute

Min 8-12 1 per minute

For time
70 double unders
60 feet over head lunge 45# plate
50 cal bike
40 toes to bar
30 burpees
20 goblet squats 70#
10 muscle ups
Front squat
Heavy sets

Row 2000m
100 box jumps
100 KBS 53#
Run 1200m
50 deadlifts at 70% 1 rep max
50 burpee pullups
Back Squat 10-8-6-8-10

4 min AMRAP
4 clean and Jerk 155#
2 over the bar burpees

2 min rest

4 min AMRAP
8 toes 2 bar
4 hand release pushups

2 min rest

4 min AMRAP
16 double unders
8 sumo high pull deadlift 75#
Front Squat 7-5-5-3-3-3

For Time
100 double unders
5 clean and jerk 205#
75 double unders
5 clean and jerk 185#
50 double unders
5 clean and jerk 165#
Deadlift 10-8-6-4-2

30 1 arm KB snatches 53#
2 no leg rope climbs
24 1 arm KB snatches
2 no leg rope climbs
18 1 arm KB snatches
2 no leg rope climbs
12 1 arm KB snatches
2 no leg rope climbs
6 1 arm KB snatches
2 no leg rope climbs
Back squat 5 sets of 2 start counting sets when you get to 85% of 1 rep max

6 min AMRAP
10 135# front rack lunges
10 pull ups

rest 6 min

6 min AMRAP
Shoulder to overhead 135#
Over the bar burpees

30 cal bike ride
20 power snatch 115#
10 goblet squats 70#
30 cal row
20 power snatch
10 goblet squats
30 cal bike
20 power snatch
10 goblet squats