
Power Clean + Push Jerk
1+1 @60%
1+1 @ 65%
1+1 2x @70%
1+1 2x @ 75%

6 min AMRAP
200m Run
10 Pullups
20 Pushups

3 min rest

6 Min amrap

15 KB Swings 32 kg
10 Handstand Push up
20 Double Unders

Cooldown: 500m row/ rest 1 min/ 500m row

Did it next to my coach. He finished in 6:52. I was just getting on the rower for round of 15 and he was done. Youth is a wonderful thing!!

Dang. Is he competing for regionals? That's certainly a competitive time. You think you're in pretty good shape until you start comparing your fitness level to some of these folks. I did a long, difficult workout on Sunday with a small crew. One of the girls had just popped a baby out not 3 weeks ago and was suffering from a chest cold. She beat my time by at least 5 minutes and she was doing the prescribed weight for men :p
He's competing but won't qualify for regionals. Pretty fit and he's in his late 20's. It is really impressive what some of these people can do.

On the competition front however, if you are going to be truly competitive you would need to have a bit of a testosterone boost, if you know what I mean.
Partner WOD today

200m run x 6 (relay style)
90 over the box jumps (one work one rest)
200m run x 5
70 KBS 70#
200m run x 4
50 toes 2 bar
200m run x 3
30 hands up pushups (synchronized together)
200m run x 2
10 burpee pull ups (synchronized)

I did the extra 200 for both the 5 and 3
Every 2 min for 10 min
Bench press 3 reps 60,65,70,75,80%
+ 2 explosive push-ups

4 rounds
30 sec max effort split jumps
30 sec max effort power clean 165/110
30 sec max effort split jumps
90 sec rest

Cool down 500m row/1 min rest x2
Just got back to this but those are some very respectable times on 15.5 for each of you (Poser / Jmez). I haven't gotten a chance to do it yet due to nursing a lower back injury...but I'll do it soon. And y'all are right, you think you're in shape till you look around at some of these times that people are putting up.
Just got back to this but those are some very respectable times on 15.5 for each of you (Poser / Jmez). I haven't gotten a chance to do it yet due to nursing a lower back injury...but I'll do it soon. And y'all are right, you think you're in shape till you look around at some of these times that people are putting up.

Shoot... My time was in the BOTTOM 25 percentile :p
Jmez at least made it into the top 50%

On a bell curve, we both got a big F :D

Interestingly enough, if you compare submitted scores by states, MT, ND, & SD dominated. CO is no more fit than Texas and NM and UT are woefully lacking :D http://games.crossfit.com/article/155-leaderboard-analysis

Again, I'm not wrapped up in any of this stuff, (I try not to even worry much about the clock) but it is interesting to compare times. If you're cracking sub 10 minutes on this WOD, then you have to have your transition in and out of the rower dialed in like a Triathlete transitioning to the bike portion of a race.
This was a very tough one -heavy lifting and deep breathing. I managed to score a side cramp near the end.

6 min to Work up to heavy single Front Squat
Based on that single:
3x1 @ 90%
3x1 @ 95%
Repeat heavy single (100%)

4 min AMRAP
3 hang cleans 155
6 over the bar burpees
9 chest to bar

3 min rest

4 min AmRAP
25 double unders
10 wall ball shots
Dang, dude. Those are some big numbers.

Thanks I appreciate that. Its pretty much all I do now a days until some little young buckaroo is over on the other side of the box calling me out and my coach takes me off my leash. Then I go do the wod. and I'll be the first to tell you it hurts me so bad but I fight through it and either beat them or push the ever living dayights outta them. Then it takes me about 3-4 days to recoup.

I sarted xfit or a wod in 2002 and kinda liked the change of pace so I went with it as it would help me with staying in shape plus it had my passion in it. Oly Lifting. Now I just lift three days a week. I spend a lot time there coaching the Kids olympic lifting team and my son. He's 12 and I've had more pleasure watching him and his buddies explode into 12-13 year old super weightlifters. my son is about to turn 13 and he snatches 135 and C&J 185 so it wont be long until hes knocking on my door.

Dont overtrain and keep the passion
Did Cindy for a Saturday afternoon "party" wod:
20 min
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 air squats

Then, after numerous drinks etc, we did:
1 shot of Jack Daniels
10 burpees

Until you tap out. Guess who reigned supreme? I'll add that once you hit that battery acid anaerobic state, whiskey doesn't go down the hatch so easy :)
Sunday hangover WOD:

Work up to 1 rep Max Deadlift

Draw cards for exercise and reps:

Double Unders
KB Swings
Farmer's Carry

30 rounds

2,500m Partner Race on the rower
30 seconds at a time, partner holds 2 kettlebells upright while other is rowing
Strength Find 1 rep max deadlift


1000m row
100 KBS 53#, 3 burpees EMOM during the swings
100 Double unders

Went for about a mile hike in the hills with 50# with my boys.