
see you guys in a couple of days :D

Coronavirus shutdown boredom workout suggestion.
I took a pair of pants that had several holes in it and ripped them up. No cutlery at all. Just bare hands. I ripped every seem except the zipper. The zipper was split in half. It's a really good workout for your fingers.


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Garage grind
5x5 deadlifts
5x15 sit ups

10 min amrap #50 sandbag
3-6-9-12-15.... add 3 reps until time limit
Up down + jump tuck
Push press
Front squat
Monday Monster Mash

3 rounds
Shuttle run, 4x50m
15 burpees
15 thrusters 115#

5 min rest

2 rounds
100 double unders
50 dumbbell deadlift 50#
50 abmat sit ups
50 row cals

5 min rest

4 rounds
Dumbbell farmer carry, 50lbs for 50m
12 chest to bar pull ups
Dumbbell lunge 50# for 10m

That was rough
3 position snatch x4 @70%
Snatch high pull 3x2@90% - 3x2@95%
(of 1 rep max snatch)
Push press 5x5 @70%

With #50sb x 2 sets
400m run
40 squats
30 sit ups
20 push up
10 ground 2 OVerhead
10 kbs 70#
10 box jumps 24"
10 thrusters 135#
10 power cleans 205#
10 toes 2 bar
10 burpee chest 2 bar
10 toes 2 bar
10 power cleans 205#
10 thrusters 135#
10 box jumps
10 kbs 70#

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7 mile loop with Tiny E, today I wore my spikes- these trails were a lot less icy than the ones yesterday, but there were a couple of stretches that made the spikes worthwhile
30 min alternating EMOM
4 sandbag over shoulder 150#
12 alternating one arm DB snatches 50#
15 cal ski erg
80 ft prowler push 90#
20 abmat sit ups
15 cal ass bike

Sent from my moto z3 using Tapatalk
out on the trails with my wife and Tiny E, 4 miles w/ about 900' gain in the first 1.5 miles- calling this my hill workout :)
got bored, so........half Murph, took it easy on the 1/2 mile runs

1/2 mile run
150 air squats
100 pushups
50 pullups
1/2 mile run