
^ that's our typical March snow- heavy and wet; we're experiencing more like a January snow- although it is much lighter snow, despite the cold :D
still too cold for hitting the trails (but tomorrow we should be close to freezing), so hit the gym- it's my deload week, so:

squats 3x5 @ 75% of 1RM
bench 3x5 @ 75% of 1RM
pullups 3x10
dips 3x30
1x5@70%-1x5@80%-1x max reps @90% #365x5
:40 Hand release push up

5 minutes on rower
:20 fast as fuk
:40 cruise

Rest 2 min

7 min amrap
10 ground2 overhead #75
10 shoulder2 overhead
100m run
from the looks of the workouts, not everyone's gym is closed (or they have a really nice home gym!!!)- out of curiosity whose gyms are open and whose are closed (and where)?

Montana- gyms are closed until further notice
Blackjack (21)
  • For Time
  • 20 Push-Ups, 1 Sit-Up
  • 19 Push-Ups, 2 Sit-Ups
  • 18 Push-Ups, 3 Sit-Ups
  • ...continue this pattern until...
  • 2 Push-Ups, 19 Sit-Ups
  • 1 Push-Up, 20 Sit-Ups
for the curious it ends up being 210 reps for each
2 rounds
24 deadlift 290#
24 box jumps 24"
24 wall balls 20#
48 push ups
24 box jumps
24 wall balls
24 front squats 115#

Sent from my moto z3 using Tapatalk
Mines open ( south of sacramento about 50 miles ) chose outside today

1 mile run

200m run with #50 bruteforce bag
20 bear complex #50 sb
200m sb run
30 burpee over sb
200m sb run
40 alt lunges
200m sb run
50 sit ups
200m sb run