
two long days of hunting and zero elk; not sure why the lack of elk- we hunted high and low, plenty of grass/browse and you could see where they had been using this area earlier; I don't think it was too much hunting pressure either as 90%+ of the hunting is with folks using stock and we were well out of any place you could get stock in

might give it another whirl before the regular season opens

15 miles on day one, 10 miles on day two (with lots of gain/loss), 4 mile recovery hike with Tiny E today




20 min on the treadmill with incline
50 lbs lift and carry with stairs ( 5 lift to shoulder to 2 flight stairs x 2) x 2
50 lbs sandbag Cleans x 2
40 lbs KB Clean and press x 2
30 lbs sandbag carry with stairs x 4